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Creating Interactive CLI App

In this blog post I will be walking you through the process of writing an interactive commandline app using Python. I have been a huge fan commandline apps and I love to create commandline apps since it helps me remain productive and makes navigation a lot easier compared to GUIs.

Anyways we will be creating a simple commandline app that uses Yelp Api to find your favorite restaurant in your city.

Let's Get Started

  • In order to get started make sure you have python3 installed.
  • Now we will create a virtual enviroment using pipenv that will handle all our python dependencies.
pipenv shell
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If you don't have pipenv installed you can Click Here

  • After activating the shell now we are going to install our packages. For this commandline app I will be using PyInquirer. Its a really cool package that helps you build interactive commandline apps.
pipenv install PyInquirer
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pipenv install prompt_toolkit==1.0.14
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
  • Once we have installed PyInquirer now we will be installing python implemetation of the yelp fusion api pipenv install yelpapi.
    YelpApi(Python Implementation)

  • Finally we have everything ready.

Let's write the program.

from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals
import os
import emoji
from PyInquirer import style_from_dict, Token, prompt, Separator
from examples import custom_style_2
import json
from termcolor import colored
from yelpapi import YelpAPI
# Api key from Yelp Developers
api_key = os.environ['API_KEY']
## This allows you create prompts for the user.
questions = [
        'type': 'input',
        'name': 'food',
        'message': emoji.emojize('What are you looking to eat ? :sushi:,:pizza:,:hamburger:'),

    ## Allows you have a list of choices 
    ## Furthermore you can refer to the documentation.
        'type': 'list',
        'name': 'city',
        'message': 'Choose your City',
        'choices': [
                "New York City",
                "Los Angeles",
                "San Antonio",
                "San Diego",
                "San Jose",
                "San Francisco",
                "Fort Worth",
                "El Paso",
                "Seattle ",
                "Denver ",
                "Boston ",
                "Not Listed"

## This will allow you get the results from Yelp Api based on user's input.
answers = prompt(questions, style=custom_style_2)
if answers['city'] == 'Not Listed':
    x = input("What\'s your city: ")
    search_results = yelp_api.search_query(
    print('Here are few restaurants I found ')
    for nums in search_results['businesses']:
            print('Name : ' +
                  colored(nums['name'], 'white', attrs=['bold']) +
                  '\n' +
                  'Phone: ' +
                  colored(nums['phone'], 'green', attrs=['bold']) +
                  '\n' +
                  'Address: ' +
                  colored(nums['location']['address1'],'cyan',attrs=['bold']) +
                  '\n' +
                  colored('Yelp url: ','red',attrs=['bold']) +
    search_results = yelp_api.search_query(
    print('Here are few restaurants I found ')
    for nums in search_results['businesses']:
            print('Name : ' +
                  colored(nums['name'], 'white', attrs=['bold']) +
                  '\n' +
                  'Phone: ' +
                  colored(nums['phone'], 'green', attrs=['bold']) +
                  '\n' +
                  'Address: ' +
                  colored(nums['location']['address1'],'cyan',attrs=['bold']) +
                  '\n' +
                  colored('Yelp url: ','red',attrs=['bold']) +
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
  • Lastly in order to run this program we need to obtain api keys from Yelp Developers.
  • Once you have the api keys now you need to export those keys export API_KEY=XXXXXXX
  • Now you are all set and Guess what you wrote your first interactive CLI App.

Anyways this was my first blog post after a really long time as I was busy with school. I hope you enjoyed reading it and if you did feel free to
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Feel to share it among your friends and colleagues.

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