Today I Learned

hashrocket A Hashrocket project

Where is in Elm?

unzip is a function available as part of the list package.

List.unzip [(1, 2), (3, 4)]
-- ([1,3],[2,4])

It's defined as:

Decompose a list of tuples into a tuple of lists.

But there is no corresponding zip function to compose a tuple of lists into a list of tuples. If you just want a list to be zipped with it's index, then you can use List.indexedMap.

List.indexedMap (\x y -> (x, y)) ["a", "b", "c"]
-- [(0,"a"),(1,"b"),(2,"c")]

And you could substitute (\x y -> (x, y)) with Tuple.pair which does the same thing.

List.indexedMap Tuple.pair ["a", "b", "c"]
-- [(0,"a"),(1,"b"),(2,"c")]

And if you don't care about indexes but instead have two lists, you can zip those two lists together with List.map2.

List.map2 Tuple.pair [1, 3, 5] ["a", "b", "c"]
-- [(1,"a"),(3,"b"),(5,"c")]

Happy Zipping!

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