Learn about the most popular projects and product offerings in the Serverless ecosystem today! (Last updated 19 June 2018.)

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Monitorning & Observability

  • Thundra: Rapidly solve difficult serverless performance problems with zero overhead observability and monitoring powered by aggregated metrics, logs, and detailed traces.
  • Epsagon: Distributed tracing that helps you monitor and troubleshoot your serverless applications. Find the problem. Fix it. Move on.
  • Dashbird: Real-time alerting and debugging tool Serverless for developers to build and fix Lambda functions quickly.
  • IOpipe: Full observability and dev tools for building, shipping, and running serverless applications on AWS Lambda.
  • Stackery: Operations console that provides visibility and control throughout the serverless application lifecycle.
  • Rookout: Production debugging, logging, and alerting for your serverless functions.


  • python-λ: A toolkit for developing and deploying serverless Python code in AWS Lambda.
  • Chalice: Chalice is a python serverless microframework for AWS.
  • Zappa: Serverless Python Web Services.
  • Claudia.js: Deploy Node.js projects to AWS Lambda and API Gateway easily.
  • Dawson: A serverless web framework for Node.js on AWS.
  • DEEP: Full-stack JavaScript Framework for Cloud-Native Web Applications.
  • kappa: Command line tool that makes it easier to deploy, update, and test functions for AWS Lambda.
  • Shep: A framework for building JavaScript Applications with AWS API Gateway and Lambda.
  • Sparta: A Go framework for AWS Lambda.
  • Microcule: SDK and CLI for spawning streaming stateless HTTP microservices in multiple programming languages.
  • Serverless: Toolkit for deploying and operating serverless architectures.
  • AWS SAM Local: A CLI tool for local development and testing of Serverless applications
  • Apex: Build, deploy, and manage AWS Lambda functions with ease.
  • Architect: Lambda functions simplified.
  • Pulumi: Create containers, serverless functions, and cloud infrastructure, with all the benefits of immutable infrastructure, and real programming languages.


In the past few years, the number of FaaS platforms has risen rapidly. Some platforms (such as IronFunctions and OpenWhisk) have open source versions you can host yourself.

Functions-as-a-Service (FaaS)

Kubernetes-native FaaS

We are also seeing open source FaaS platforms that are built on top of Kubernetes