Weekly News Summary for Admins — 2019-02-01

Following right after the release of the iOS 12.1.3 and macOS Mojave 10.13.3 updates last week, members of the developer/beta/seed programs got access to iOS 12.2 and macOS Mojave 10.14.4.

Even though the release notes are still quite thin, these will probably be the “Spring Updates” with some major changes, so they are worth watching and testing. The release notes for Xcode 10.2, which brings Swift 5 and Safari 12.1 are already quite interesting.

Other than that, we got Apple’s quarterly numbers, a weird FaceTime bug, which made Apple shut down the Group FaceTime servers, and a kerfuffle on dubious VPN/data gathering apps which led Apple to block the Facebook and Google Enterprise Developer certificates.

On the MacAdmin side, some great and timely posts on Mac App Store Office apps and Adobe’s new Shared Device Licensing.

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MacAdmins on Twitter

  • Julia Evans: “curl… ”
  • Tim Perfitt: “I am told by marketing people that showing you this nice photo of the MDS Automaton will convince you to buy one.”
  • Tim Perfitt: “I created this fine video on using Mac Deploy Stick to install macOS, MS Office 2016, 2 browsers, and a forking Boot Camp partition with Windows 10! How long? Holy shirt! 21 minutes from start to finish. Grab some popcorn.”
  • Jason Broccardo: “#macadmins looking for lightweight monitoring for Jamf Pro, I’ve started using JavaMelody. Just need to drop a couple jars into the WEB-INF folder and restart your app to get going. Get nagios-like graphs and data.”

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Mac Admin, Consultant, and Author