How to perform Magic Square Operation in a Matrix using Python3

In this Python tutorial, we are going to learn how to perform a magic square operation in a matrix in Python. Here we will show you an easy example so that you can understand this tutorial easily.


A Magic Square is:

  • The square is itself having smaller squares (same as a matrix) each containing a number.
  • The numbers in each vertical, horizontal, and diagonal row add up to the same value.
  • The dimension of the square matrix is an (odd integer x odd integer) e.g., 3×3, 5×5, 7×7.

An example of this is given below in the image, where the sumĀ is 15 for every column or row.

magic square in Python

magic square

To know about this interesting puzzle, Magic Square on Wikipedia

Now, let’s take a look at the code.

PROGRAM: Python program for magic square operation

def generateSquare(n): 
    # 2-D array with all  
    # slots set to 0 
    magicSquare = [[0 for x in range(n)] 
                      for y in range(n)] 
    # initialize position of 1 
    i = n / 2
    j = n - 1
    # Fill the square by placing values 
    num = 1
    while num <= (n * n): 
        if i == -1 and j == n: # 3rd condition 
            j = n - 2
            i = 0
            # next number goes out of 
            # right side of square  
            if j == n: 
                j = 0    
            # next number goes  
            # out of upper side 
            if i < 0: 
                i = n - 1
        if magicSquare[int(i)][int(j)]: # 2nd condition 
            j = j - 2
            i = i + 1
            magicSquare[int(i)][int(j)] = num 
            num = num + 1
        j = j + 1
        i = i - 1 # 1st condition 
    # Printing the square 
    print ("Magic Square for n =", n) 
    print ("Sum of each row or column",n * (n * n + 1) / 2, "\n") 
    for i in range(0, n): 
        for j in range(0, n): 
            print('%2d ' % (magicSquare[i][j]),end = '') 
            # To display output  
            # in matrix form 
            if j == n - 1:  
# Driver Code 
# Works only when n is odd 
n=int(input("Number of rows of the Magic Square:"))


Number of rows of the Magic Square:7
Magic Square for n = 7
Sum of each row or column 175.0 

20 12  4 45 37 29 28 
11  3 44 36 35 27 19 
 2 43 42 34 26 18 10 
49 41 33 25 17  9  1 
40 32 24 16  8  7 48 
31 23 15 14  6 47 39 
22 21 13  5 46 38 30


Number of rows of the Magic Square:5
Magic Square for n = 5
Sum of each row or column 65.0 

 9  3 22 16 15 
 2 21 20 14  8 
25 19 13  7  1 
18 12  6  5 24 
11 10  4 23 17

Also Read:

5 responses to “How to perform Magic Square Operation in a Matrix using Python3”

  1. Steve Shambles says:

    Hey, nice idea, I have shared on my Twitter.
    It looks like the code will produce the same numbers
    every time though, which makes it a bit limited,
    I was thinking of doing a GUI on the code and
    making a puzzle game from it, but I’m not
    experienced enough yet to modify it to make
    up different solutions each time.
    Nice job though.

  2. ar.drso says:

    it just work for odd numbers.if you input an even number,You will encounter an error on the 25th line

  3. Vivek Gupta says:

    # Try this code…
    A = [[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]
    count = 0
    for c1 in range(1,10,1):
    for c2 in range(1,10,1):
    if c2==c1:
    for c3 in range(1,10,1):
    if c3==c2 or c3==c1:
    for c4 in range(1,10,1):
    if c4==c3 or c4==c2 or c4==c1:
    for c5 in range(1,10,1):
    if c5==c4 or c5==c3 or c5==c2 or c5==c1:
    for c6 in range(1,10,1):
    if c6==c5 or c6==c4 or c6==c3 or c6==c2 or c6==c1:
    for c7 in range(1,10,1):
    if c7==c6 or c7==c5 or c7==c4 or c7==c3 or c7==c2 or c7==c1:
    for c8 in range(1,10,1):
    if c8==c7 or c8==c6 or c8==c5 or c8==c4 or c8==c3 or c8==c2 or c8==c1:
    for c9 in range(1,10,1):
    if c9==c8 or c9==c7 or c9==c6 or c9==c5 or c9==c4 or c9==c3 or c9==c2 or c9==c1:
    Check = True
    if A[0][0]+A[0][1]+A[0][2]!=15:
    Check=False #First Row
    if A[1][0]+A[1][1]+A[1][2]!=15:
    Check=False #Second Row
    if A[2][0]+A[2][1]+A[2][2]!=15:
    Check=False #Third Row
    if A[0][0]+A[1][0]+A[2][0]!=15:
    Check=False #First Column
    if A[0][1]+A[1][1]+A[2][1]!=15:
    Check=False #Second Column
    if A[0][2]+A[1][2]+A[2][2]!=15:
    Check=False #Third Column
    if A[0][0]+A[1][1]+A[2][2]!=15:
    Check=False #First Diagonal
    if A[2][0]+A[1][1]+A[0][2]!=15:
    Check=False #Second Diagonal
    if Check:
    count +=1
    print(“Magic square number”, count)
    for i in range(0,3,1):
    for j in range(0,3,1):
    print(A[i][j],end=” “)

  4. huseyin says:

    I’m not sure if I’ve explained myself well; I have a set of either 25 or 28 numbers. These need to be placed in either a 5×5, 6×6, or 9×9 magic square. However, these 25 or 28 numbers cannot be replaced by other numbers. I want to place them in such a way that it forms a correct 5×5 or 9×9 or 6×6 magic square. Could you create a Python code or suggest the best solver for this? The program needs to place these 25 or 28 numbers into the correct slots so that both the main diagonals, as well as each row and column, conform to the rules of a regular magic square. It is more of a trial-and-error process, and the program may need to come up with additional numbers on its own to create a magic square as a solution(which is fine in case of magic square 9×9 of 6×6). I want it to generate the magic square based on the aforementioned conditions. i would be thankfull for it.

  5. huseyin says:

    i hope you have python code for me which i can use or other scripts

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