Stacks update: PHP 7.3, Varnish 6.0, WordPress 5 and more

Wodby blog
Published in
1 min readDec 19, 2018


This week we’ve released updates for our docker4x project and Wodby stacks (links lead to full changelog):

Among the notable changes:

  • PHP 7.3 (note that some extensions not yet supported)
  • Vanilla WordPress updated to 5.0 (Bebo) with the new editor
  • Varnish 6.0 added in addition to 4.1. We now compile Varnish from sources (we used to just install it from Alpine packages), it allows us to support multiple versions and release patch updates faster with automatic updates
  • Varnish now comes with a set of modules, one of them — GeoIP imported by default and used to identify a client’s country code and currency (USD/EUR), this info passed to a backend in headers. You can also optionally split cache by a country/currency
  • Varnish now supports special cookies starting with VCKEY- that you can set on your backend to personify cache on a custom criteria
  • ModSecurity +OWASP CRS module added to Nginx, disabled by default. Also, PageSpeed now also compiled as a dynamic module and disabled by default
  • For MariaDB deployed via Wodby we now automatically run mysql_upgrade on every upgrade
  • PostgreSQL 11 added
  • Other patch updates and bugfixes

For full changelog visit links at the top of this article.

You can upgrade your application stack on Wodby in a few clicks. Make sure you read upgrade instructions beforehand.

To see all available stacks visit

