Operation on Strings using pre-defined string functions in PHP

In this PHP tutorial, we are going to perform different operations on strings using pre-defined string functions in PHP.

Some of the pre-defined string functions in PHP:-

1.) strlen() :- strlen() is used to get the length of the string in PHP . A string whose length is to find is passed as a parameter to strlen() function. It returns the length of the string.

Code Snippet for strlen()

    echo strlen("String");

It will return the length of string 6.

2.) str_word_count :- str_word_count() function counts the number of words in a string . String in Which the total number of words is to count is passed as a parameter to str_word_count function. It will return an integer value representing total number of words in strings .

Code Snippet for str_word_count()

   echo str_word_count("This is an example of string");

It will return the total number of words i.e 6.

3.) strrev() :- strrev() function reverses a string . A string which has to be reversed is passed as a parameter to strrev() function. It returns a string reverse of the original string.

Code Snippet for strrev()

   echo strrev("String");

It will return gnirtS which are the reverse of the original string.

4.) strpos() :- strpos() function searches for a specific text within a string . String along with text to be found is passed as parameter separated by ‘,’

If a match is found, the function returns the character position of the first match. If no match is found it will return false.

Code Snippet for strpos()

  echo strpos("This is a string","is");

It will return 6 i.e. character position of the first match of text “is”.

5.) str_replace() :- str_replace() function replaces some characters with some  other characters in         a string . Character to be changed, replacing the character, and original string is passed as parameters to str_replace() function respectively.

Code Snippet for str_replace()

     echo str_replace("world" , "PHP" , "Hello World ");

It will return Hello PHP replacing “world” with “PHP”.

Also, learn

PHP Code to perform different operation on Strings


    echo "1.)Counting length of String\n";
    echo "Length of String - \"Codespeedy\" is :";
    echo strlen("Codespeedy");
    echo "\n\n2.)Counting number of  words in String\n";
    echo "No. of words in string -\"Codespeedy is a programming website\" is :";
    echo strlen("Codespeedy");

    echo "\n\n3.)Reverse of String\n";
    echo "Reverse of String - \"Codespeedy\" is :";
    echo strrev("Codespeedy");
    echo "\n\n4.)Search for a Specific Text in a String\n";
    echo "Position of Word \"Tutorial\" in String if found -\"Codespeedy is a programming tutorial website\" is :";
    echo strpos("Codespeedy is a programming tutorial website","tutorial");

    echo "\n\n5.)Replace a specific text within a String with another text\n";
    echo "Replacing \"World\" with \"PHP\" in \"Hello World\" :- ";
    echo str_replace("World" , "PHP" , "Hello World "); 



1.)Counting length of String
Length of String - "Codespeedy" is :10

2.)Counting number of  words in String
No. of words in string -"Codespeedy is a programming website" is :10

3.)Reverse of String
Reverse of String - "Codespeedy" is :ydeepsedoC

4.)Search for a Specific Text in a String
Position of Word "Tutorial" in String if found -"Codespeedy is a programming tutorial website" is :28

5.)Replace a specific text within a String with another text
Replacing "World" with "PHP" in "Hello World" :- Hello PHP

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