Stars: Vulkan Tutorial

Published on Dec 11, 2018.

There are books on GitHub, too.

Repo Vulkan Tutorial Overv/VulkanTutorial: Tutorial for the Vulkan graphics and compute API
License CC BY-SA 4.0
Language Text in Markdown
Status Active. Several commits a month.
Links Website:


This, as other book repos, doesn’t seem particularly useful with its repo status. At least not to me. It’s not a repository one would use in a project of theirs.

…But it seems like a pretty good book. It’s an introduction to Vulkan for C++ programmers, or at least people with C++ experience. I haven’t yet had the chance to familiarize myself with Vulkan, but when I find the time (and I do intend to find the time), I will most likely start from here. Well, from the website of the book, that is.

Do you know of better starting points? If yes, please share.

This post is part of my Project Stars where I post a short review for each of the 500+ repos that I’ve starred on GitHub.
For more posts of this series see the tag stars in this blog.

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