Preload trick

Posted on 2018-12-09 by Oleg Grenrus

This simple idea hit me when I was watching a talk about (dynamic) linking. On Linux (at least) we can LD_PRELOAD own shared objects, to override symbols in other (maybe even proprietrary) shared objects. This is useful for various purposes. Can we do something like that in Haskell?

Not exactly, Haskell is not C. But, as the ecosystem is open, we can simply vendor in the dependency (as source) and modify it. E.g. add some debug prints to figure out why something doesn't work as expected? We preload on the source level, i.e. use the local version of package, not the one on the Hackage.

However we don't need to stop there. We can mess with the vendored packages as much as we need to. Imagine that we want to use github package, but with HsOpenSSL for encryption, not the tls package.

There is a proof-of-concept implementation on GitHub phadej/preload-trick. The example program needs small adjustement, because every application that uses HsOpenSSL must wrap any operations involving OpenSSL with withOpenSSL:

{-# LANGUAGE CPP               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main (main) where

import qualified GitHub  as GH

import           OpenSSL (withOpenSSL)
withOpenSSL :: IO a -> IO a
withOpenSSL = id

main :: IO ()
main = withOpenSSL $ do
    possibleUser <- GH.executeRequest' $ GH.userInfoForR "phadej"
    print possibleUser

This example works out of the box with http-client-tls. It turns out that we need to mock only three packages, if we want to use HsOpenSSL:

  • http-client-tls: This is obvious. http-client-tls relies on tls for TLS implementation. Luckily github uses only tlsManagerSettings which can be implemented as oneliner using http-client-openssl!

    module Network.HTTP.Client.TLS (tlsManagerSettings) where
    import           Network.HTTP.Client         (ManagerSettings)
    import           Network.HTTP.Client.OpenSSL (opensslManagerSettings)
    import qualified OpenSSL.Session as OpenSSL
    tlsManagerSettings :: ManagerSettings
    tlsManagerSettings = opensslManagerSettings OpenSSL.context
  • tls: It turns out github doesn't use anything from tls directly. The dependency definition exists there to forbid old versions of tls (git blame points to commit that originally added tls >=1.3.5 constrait. That version of tls has Fix a bug with ECDHE based cipher where serialization, I don't remember whether that is important or not, better to be safe). As tls isn't used, the mock package is an empty package (I specified a lot more than needed):

    cabal-version: 2.2
    name:          tls
    version:       1.4.1
    synopsis: Example of "preload" trick
    category: Example, Development
      Mock some of @tls@.
      Actually none is needed
    license:      BSD-3-Clause
    license-file: LICENSE
    author:       Oleg Grenrus <>
    maintainer:   Oleg Grenrus <>
      default-language: Haskell2010
        , base            ^>=
  • cryptohash: Here I can blame myself, somehow this (old) dependency sneaked in. I (as a maintainer of github) should use much lighter cryptohash-sha1 package (or cryptonite directly, which I won't for this case).

    module Crypto.Hash (HMAC (..), SHA1, hmac) where
    import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA1 as SHA1
    import           Data.ByteString  (ByteString)
    data SHA1
    newtype HMAC a = HMAC { hmacGetDigest :: ByteString }
    hmac :: ByteString -> ByteString -> HMAC SHA1
    hmac secret payload = HMAC (SHA1.hmac secret payload)

All of the mocks are very simple, as we can see: github uses only a very small part of actual packages' APIs.

Is it worth it? Well... Maybe? At the very least, I learned about dependencies of github. It depends on cryptohash for no reason.

Also if you carefully inspect after dependency graph, you notice that http-client depends on memory! Looks like http-client uses Data.ByteString.Encoding to do Base64 encoding (in implementation of applyBasicAuth). I'd use base64-bytestring package for that purpose. So in this exercise we could mock memory also, to only provide the base64 encoding. Or patch http-client.

In some sense this trick is poor man's Backpack. Hopefully this trick would be useful for someone, or actually hopefully no one would ever need to rely on it.

#Dependency graphs



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