Updated First Responder Kit for November 2018: Get Into Sports Dummy


I dunno, I just like this picture.

You can download the updated FirstResponderKit.zip here.

sp_Blitz Improvements

#1786 – @dallyhorton made a good point: if we’re gonna warn you about Change Tracking, we should tell you which database it’s enabled for.
#1791 – Who do DMV queries think they are, blocking each other? Get over yourselves.
#1793 – CheckIds shouldn’t be twins, I suppose.
#1794 – We now skip growth checks on read only databases. A sensible change.
#1797 – Better support for Managed Instances.
#1799 – Filter out Managed Instance waits
#1802 – Skip alerting that your alerts aren’t alerted in RDS
#1814 – 2012SP3 is now officially unsupported. YOU KNOW WHAT WHAT MEANS.
#1839 – Added Managed Instance specific info
#1840 – There are a lot of false positives about Linux. Now there’s one less.
#1856 – More complete list of DBCC command sources to ignore

sp_BlitzCache Improvements

#1806 – You know what really helps when you’re reading long numbers? Commas.
#1812 – Hopefully avoid some invalid length errors on substrings.
#1819 – Improves checks for cursor problems in XML
#1847 – Joe Obbish discovered that you can have a bigint of statistic modifications. Someone get this guy a stats update, would ya?
#1855 – SQL Server 2014 SP3 added row goal information to query plan XML.
#1858 – Expanded the @StoredProcInfo parameter to also search for triggers and functions.

sp_BlitzIndex Improvements

#1848 – It was pretty weird realizing we didn’t collect check constraint information in here. Now we do, and we check to see if you’ve got a scalar udf in the definition. That’s all for now.

sp_BlitzFirst Improvements

#1795 – Something about delta views for multiple servers. Everything named Delta just goes over my head.
#1799 – Like Blitz, not filters out Managed Instance wait stats
#1807 – If you’re on a version of SQL Server that can use show you live query statistics, we’ll throw in warnings if we detect running queries with cardinality estimation or skewed parallelism issues.
#1815 – In Azure SQL DB, we now check sys.dm_db_resource_stats to see if your instance is being throttled.
#1836 – Improved startup time calculations for Azure SQLDB. Until they change something in a week.
#1857 – Re-ignoring some CLR waits that we used to ignore and stopped ignoring. Long story.

sp_BlitzWho Improvements

#1829 – You can now write sp_BlitzWho to a table. In another database. With filtering. It a whole thing, and on Monday, Brent will have a blog post explaining it. We just don’t support it < 2012 yet. You should really just upgrade anyway.

sp_BlitzQueryStore Improvements

#1819 – Same cursor stuff as BlitzCache
#1847 – Same stats mod counter stuff as BlitzCache
#1860 – Skip queries that hit sys.master_files in Azure

Power BI Dashboard for DBAs

#1810 – @hfleitas got mobile reports working. Now you can keep your SQL Server in your pocket, where hopefully it won’t get all warm and smushy.


#1841 – Removed duplicate columns from output. How they got in there is a mystery.
#1860 – When you run BlitzLock, the default search path is the system health session XE file. That throws a kinda obtuse error in Azure, where file paths like that have to be URLs that point to Azure Blob Storage. I didn’t fix anything, I just give you a more helpful error message.

sp_ineachdb Improvements

Aaron Bertrand was kind enough to open source this script and allow us to distribute it with the FRK. Everyone say thank you to Canada for making Aaron.

There were no changes to sp_AllNightLog, sp_AllNightLog_Setup, sp_DatabaseRestore, sp_BlitzInMemoryOLTP, sp_BlitzBackups, or sp_foreachdb this time around.

For Support

When you have questions about how the tools work, talk with the community in the #FirstResponderKit Slack channel. If you need a free invite, hit SQLslack.com. Be patient – it’s staffed with volunteers who have day jobs, heh.

When you find a bug or want something changed, read the contributing.md file.

When you have a question about what the scripts found, first make sure you read the “More Details” URL for any warning you find. We put a lot of work into documentation, and we wouldn’t want someone to yell at you to go read the fine manual. After that, when you’ve still got questions about how something works in SQL Server, post a question at DBA.StackExchange.com and the community (that includes us!) will help. Include exact errors and any applicable screenshots, your SQL Server version number (including the build #), and the version of the tool you’re working with.

You can download the updated FirstResponderKit.zip here.

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