Angular 15 In-memory Web API tutorial: Mocking CRUD APIs in Angular

Angular 15 In-memory Web API tutorial: Mocking CRUD APIs in Angular

The in-memory web api module, together with the Angular 15 framework, will be demonstrated in this tutorial by way of an example of how to develop a backend-less application by simulating a REST API back-end with standard CRUD operations. This is really handy for Angular developers who are working on a front-end application but do not yet have a back-end in place.

In this tutorial, Angular's angular-in-memory-web-api module is used to fake a REST API with an in-memory database rather than utilizing a real back-end server that may not be accessible at the time your front-end project is built.

Consider the following scenario: you are developing a new feature for an application's frontend, but the required HTTP endpoints are not yet ready for consumption by the frontend development team. This is a typical issue while working in a big team of frontend and backend developers.

As a temporary workaround during development, we might create a fake server that performs all CRUD operations of an HTTP REST API while our data is saved locally in our frontend application.

To begin, we'll take a look at the Angular In-Memory Web API and then build an example mock API to imitate a basic (CRUD) backend that could be consumed in Angular 15, so you can design and build your own functional frontend without having to depend on the backend team.

Introducing the in memory web api for angular

The angular-in-memory-web-api module provides an in memory data store where you can create and fetch data and simulates a real REST API back-end. It intercepts Angular 15 HttpClient requests that would otherwise go to the remote server and redirects them to an in-memory data store that you control.

It serves as a stand-in/proxy for your actual back-end system. Once an HTTP request is sent to the module, it intercepts it, processes it, and provides the results from memory. As a result, when you are ready to utilize a real API back-end, you will not be required to make any changes to the API endpoints that you previously provided to your Angular code.

Create, read, update, and delete items from an in-memory database using the in memory web api module instead of going through the hassle of setting up a real database and creating and exposing a real REST API server just for the sake of testing your Angular 15 application using the in memory web API module. However, this is just a temporary solution until the back-end team (or you, if you are a full-stack developer) is able to complete the back-end design and development.

This module intercepts the HttpClient (the Angular 15 HTTP client) requests that get sent to an address of an API server then simply proxy the requests to an in-memory database that you'll have to setup in your project.


To complete this tutorial, you will need to have a few prerequisites, such as:

  • Node.js and npm installed on your system. Both are required to install and run Angular CLI 15,
  • Familiarity with JavaScript and TypeScript.

That's all what you need, you can use Windows, macOS or any Linux distribution provided that you have the right Node.js version installed on your system.

This angular tutorial will take you step by step from installing Angular 15 CLI, to generating a project and creating services and components and finally setting up the in-memory web API.

Now you are ready to install Angular CLI 15 and use to create a project.

Install Angular CLI 15

You'll use Angular CLI 15 to create an Angular project. If it's not installed on your system you should run this command to install it globally:

$ npm install -g @angular/cli

If you get any permission errors, you can simply add sudo before your command in macOS and debian systems (e.g. Ubuntu) or use a command prompt with administrator privileges in Windows.

That's it! You now have a complete environment for Angular 15 development. But since Angular is for building front-ends and client side apps, and more often that not, a back-end is required, you will either need to have the back-end built for you or simulate the REST API that would be normally exported by your back-end server. In this tutorial, you'll learn to implement this latter approach.

Creating an Angular 15 Project

You can now create a project using the Angular CLI v15 as follows:

$ ng new angular-inmemory-api

You'll have to wait a little bit of time until your project is read then navigate inside the root folder and serve your project using the following command:

$ cd angular-inmemory-api
$ ng serve

You can access your project from the localhost:4200 address. Angular CLI v15 uses a live-reload server so any changes you make to your project's code will be live-reloaded in your browser.

So just leave the development server running and open your Angular 15 project in your preferred IDE or code editor (VSCode is a nice choice!)

Setting up the angular-in-memory-web-api module

Now that you've created your project, you need to set up the angular-in-memory-web-api module.

You can do that following these easy steps:

  • First, you need to install the angular-in-memory-web-api module from npm in your Angular project,
  • Next, you need to proceed by creating an Angular service that encapsulates working with the in-memory database,
  • Finally, you'll be able to use the in-memory database service in your Angular component(s).

Go back to your terminal and run the following command to install the angular-in-memory-web-api module:

$ npm install --save angular-in-memory-web-api

Next, you can create an Angular service using:

$ ng generate service data

You can also use the ng g s data instead to create the data service.

The previous command will generate two files:

  • The src/app/data.service.ts file which encapsulates the actual code of the service you just created.
  • The src/app/data.service.spec.ts file which contains unit tests for the service.

Our work will be done inside the src/app/data.service.ts file so open the file and import InMemoryDbService from the angular-in-memory-web-api module:

import {InMemoryDbService} from 'angular-in-memory-web-api'

Next, your data service has to implement InMemoryDbService and override the createDb() method:

  providedIn: 'root'
export class DataService implements InMemoryDbService{

  constructor() { }

   let  policies =  [
    {  id:  1,  num:  'PO1', amount: 1000, userId: 1, clientId: 1, description: 'Insurance policy number PO1' },
    {  id:  2,  num:  'PO2', amount: 2000, userId: 1, clientId: 2, description: 'Insurance policy number PO2' },
    {  id:  3,  num:  'PO3', amount: 3000, userId: 1, clientId: 3, description: 'Insurance policy number PO3' },
    {  id:  4,  num:  'PO4', amount: 4000, userId: 1, clientId: 4, description: 'Insurance policy number PO4' }

   return {policies};


As you can see, you override the createDb function to return any data you want your in-memory database to return. Each item should have a unique id.

Next, you need to integrate the in-memory web api module with your application and provide the data service as a parameter for the forRoot() method of the InMemoryWebApiModule module.

Open the src/app/app.module.ts file and provide the data service.

import { InMemoryWebApiModule } from angular-in-memory-web-api;  
import { DataService } from ./data.service;
// [...] 

  declarations: [
    // [...]
  imports: [
    // [...]
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

Thanks to this service, we'll be able get around the absence of a real REST API server during development, by simulating all CRUD actions of an HTTP REST API while our data is stored locally in our frontend application.

Creating your Angular 15 Data CRUD Service

After installing and setting up the in-memory web api module, you next need to create another Angular 15 service with the PolicyService name which encapsulates all the code needed for making CRUD operations to create, read, update and delete insurance policies:

$ ng generate service policy

Open the generated src/app/policy.service.ts file and:

  • Import HttpClient into your service,
  • Add the CRUD methods necessary for working with policies.
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { HttpClient } from “@angular/common/http;

  providedIn: 'root'
export class PolicyService {

  SERVER_URL: string = "http://localhost:8080/api/";
  constructor(private httpClient: HttpClient) { }

  public getPolicies(){ 
       return this.httpClient.get(this.SERVER_URL + 'policies');

  public getPolicy(policyId){
       return this.httpClient.get(`${this.SERVER_URL + 'policies'}/${policyId}`); 
  public createPolicy(policy: {id: number, amount: number, clientId: number, userId: number, description: string}){
      return`${this.SERVER_URL + 'policies'}`, policy)

  public deletePolicy(policyId){
      return this.httpClient.delete(`${this.SERVER_URL + 'policies'}/${policyId}`)
  public updatePolicy(policy: {id: number, amount: number, clientId: number, userId: number, description: string}){
      return this.httpClient.put(`${this.SERVER_URL + 'policies'}/${}`, policy)


You've added four CRUD methods:

  • getPolicies: for retrieving all insurance policies,
  • getPolicy : for retrieving an insurance policy by id,
  • createPolicy: for creating a new insurance policy,
  • deletePolicy: for deleting an insurance policy by id,
  • updatePolicy: for updating an existing insurance policy.

When you are using the in-memory database, you actually can set the SERVER_URL to any URL. It really doesn't matter as you will not need to use a real API server. In any case, your HTTP requests sent using Angular 15 HttpClient will be all proxied to the in-memory web api.

The Angular http client is an HTTP library that comes pre-built with the Angular framework. This service is accessible as an injectable class, which has methods for sending HTTP requests to the server. When you create a new Angular project, the Angular CLI will automatically add it as a default.

Testing your Angular 15 In-Memory Web API

Now, you can test your CRUD methods in your main application component. Open the existing src/app/app.component.ts file and update it accordingly:

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { PolicyService } from './policy.service';

  selector: 'app-contact-list',
  templateUrl: './contact-list.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./contact-list.component.css']
export class PolicyListComponent implements OnInit {

  policies: any[] = [];
  constructor(private policyService: PolicyService) { }

  ngOnInit() {
    this.policyService.getPolicies().subscribe((data : any[])=>{
        this.policies = data;

You first declare a policies array which will be used to contain the insurances policies that you can fetch from the in-memory web api. Next, you inject PolicyService and then you make a call to the getPolicies method of the injected instance to get the available insurance policies and put them in the policies array. The getPolicies method will be fired once you component is initialized because you've called it in the ngOnInit life-cycle event.

Next open the src/app/app.component.html file and update it accordingly:

<h1>Insurance Policies with Angular 15 example</h1>
<table style="width:100%">
    <th>Policy Number</th>
  <tr *ngFor="let policy of policies" >
    <td>{{ policy.num }}</td>
    <td>{{ policy.amount }}</td>
    <td>{{ policy.description }}</td>

    <button (click)="deletePolicy(">Delete</button>
    <button (click)="updatePolicy(policy)">Update</button>

You simply go through all the policies using the *ngFor directive and display each policy number, amount and description. And you also add action buttons for calling delete and update operations in each policy table's row.

Next, go back to your application component and add an implementation for .deletePolicy and .updatePolicy methods.

public deletePolicy(policyId){
          console.log("Policy deleted: ", ret);

public updatePolicy(policy: {id: number, amount: number, clientId: number, userId: number, description: string}){
    let newPolicy:{id: number, amount: number, clientId: number, userId: number, description: string} = {, 0, 0, 0};
          console.log("Policy updated: ", ret);

The .updatePolicy method updates any policy with zeros for all the others fields except the id. This of course should be used with a form to get the new data from the user and update accordingly.

You should also add a form and bind its submit event with a createPolicy method that can have the following implementation:

public createPolicy(policy){
          console.log("Policy created: ", ret);

Creating the Angular 15 Components

Now, that both of the in-memory data service and the CRUD service are created, you can proceed to create the components of your Angular 15 application. A component controls a part of your application screen and interacts with different services to fetch and display data.

Head back to your terminal and run the following commands to create components:

$ ng generate component policy-list
$ ng generate component policy-create

The CLI will create two PolicyListComponent and PolicyCreateComponent components and automatically import them into the main application module.

You don't need to create delete and update components since you can use the create component to also update policies and you can call delete operations from the list of policies in the list component.

You can now execute the following command to serve your project and test your Angular 15 web application:

$ ng start


In this article, you developed a small Angular 15 CRUD example application that uses the angular-in-memory-web-api module to fake a REST API with an in-memory database rather than utilizing a real back-end server that may not be accessible at the time you're developing your front-end project.

This module intercepts Angular Http and HttpClient requests that would normally be sent to a remote server and redirects them to an in-memory data store that you manage from the frontend of your application. With this library, you can smoothly simulate late responses and do practically all of the tasks that a backend developer could be expected to provide. It does, however, have limited capabilities, and it is not meant for use in a production environment.

To summarize, the in-memory module for angular acts as a dummy back-end system for your actual back-end system. It intercepts, processes, and then returns the results of an HTTP request that the module receives. When integrating a real API back-end service with your Angular 15 front-end application, you will not need to modify your existing API endpoints.

Instead of creating a real database and installing a real REST API server to test your Angular 15 application for the purpose of testing, use the in-memory web api module. Meanwhile, the back-end team (or, if you're a full-stack developer, you) may be working to complete the back end's design and implementation without regard for the front-end. Your prior API endpoints designed for your Angular 15 front-end application will not need to be changed.

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