Slides and Workbooks From Oracle OpenWorld & CodeOne

First of all, thanks to everyone who attended my sessions at the recent Oracle OpenWorld and Code One in San Francisco. It was a great privilege to be allowed to make a number of presentations.

All of the workbooks and scripts from the hands-on labs (HOL) and the slides from the talks have been made available at OpenWorld's and Code One's session catalogues. You can download the files by using the OpenWorld catalog searching for my name or the session number (see below). Click on the download icon for each of the presentations you are interested in.

Click on the download link in the Oracle OpenWorld session catalog to download the presentations.
Click on the download icon in the Oracle OpenWorld session catalog to download the presentations.

For the hands-on labs the downloadable file includes the workbook as well as the scripts related to the exercises. The workbook contains the instructions for setting up the system used for the exercises as well as the exercises themselves and some additionaly background information. For the talks, the download consists of a PDF version of the slides.

The three hands-on labs and three talks I had were:

  • DEV5957: Develop Python Applications with MySQL Connector/Python
    This covered MySQL Connector/Python in general from installation to best practices. The talk focused on using the connector with SQL tables using both SQL statements and NoSQL CRUD methods. If you are interested in how I installed MySQL Connector/Python on iPad (the screen shot on in the right hand side of slide showing the pip command), see my previous blog about installing MySQL Connector/Python in Pythonista 3.
  • DEV5959: Python and the MySQL Document Store
    This covered how to use MySQL Connector/Python (and a little of MySQL Shell in Python mode) with the MySQL JSON Document Store using the NoSQL API (the X DevAPI).
  • HOL1703: A Practical Introduction to the MySQL Document Store
    This hands-on lab used the MySQL Shell in Python mode to use the MySQL Document Store including an introduction to the CRUD methods. The lab also includes a comparison of implementing the same X DevAPI program using Python, Node.js, and Java.
  • HOL1706: Developing Modern Applications with the MySQL Document Store and NodeJS
    This lab is similar to HOL1703 except it mainly uses Node.js programs to use the MySQL Document Store.
  • HOL2986: Using MySQL Common Table Expressions and Window Functions
    An introduction to the new MySQL 8.0 query features: common table expressions (CTEs) and the window functions that can be used for analytic queries.
  • THT6703: NoSQL + SQL = MySQL
    A brief introduction to MySQL, MySQL 8, and how you can use it both as a NoSQL document store and a traditional SQL database.


I have worked with MySQL databases since 2006 both as an SQL developer, a database administrator, and for more than eight years as part of the Oracle MySQL Support team. I have spoken at MySQL Connect and Oracle OpenWorld on several occasions. I have contributed to the sys schema and four Oracle Certified Professional (OCP) exams for MySQL 5.6 to 8.0. I have written four books, all published at Apress.

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