There is a lot of folklore about various data types that pop up in discussions about lenses. For instance, it’s known that FunList and Bazaar are equivalent, although I haven’t seen a proof of that. Since both data structures appear in the context of Traversable, which is of great interest to me, I decided to do some research. In particular, I was interested in translating these data structures into constructs in category theory. This is a continuation of my previous blog posts on free monoids and free applicatives. Here’s what I have found out:

  • FunList is a free applicative generated by the Store functor. This can be shown by expressing the free applicative construction using Day convolution.
  • Using Yoneda lemma in the category of applicative functors I can show that Bazaar is equivalent to FunList

Let’s start with some definitions. FunList was first introduced by Twan van Laarhoven in his blog. Here’s a (slightly generalized) Haskell definition:

data FunList a b t = Done t 
                   | More a (FunList a b (b -> t))

It’s a non-regular inductive data structure, in the sense that its data constructor is recursively called with a different type, here the function type b->t. FunList is a functor in t, which can be written categorically as:

L_{a b} t = t + a \times L_{a b} (b \to t)

where b \to t is a shorthand for the hom-set Set(b, t).

Strictly speaking, a recursive data structure is defined as an initial algebra for a higher-order functor. I will show that the higher order functor in question can be written as:

A_{a b} g = I + \sigma_{a b} \star g

where \sigma_{a b} is the (indexed) store comonad, which can be written as:

\sigma_{a b} s = \Delta_a s \times C(b, s)

Here, \Delta_a is the constant functor, and C(b, -) is the hom-functor. In Haskell, this is equivalent to:

newtype Store a b s = Store (a, b -> s)

The standard (non-indexed) Store comonad is obtained by identifying a with b and it describes the objects of the slice category C/s (morphisms are functions f : a \to a' that make the obvious triangles commute).

If you’ve read my previous blog posts, you may recognize in A_{a b} the functor that generates a free applicative functor (or, equivalently, a free monoidal functor). Its fixed point can be written as:

L_{a b} = I + \sigma_{a b} \star L_{a b}

The star stands for Day convolution–in Haskell expressed as an existential data type:

data Day f g s where
  Day :: f a -> g b -> ((a, b) -> s) -> Day f g s

Intuitively, L_{a b} is a “list of” Store functors concatenated using Day convolution. An empty list is the identity functor, a one-element list is the Store functor, a two-element list is the Day convolution of two Store functors, and so on…

In Haskell, we would express it as:

data FunList a b t = Done t 
                   | More ((Day (Store a b) (FunList a b)) t)

To show the equivalence of the two definitions of FunList, let’s expand the definition of Day convolution inside A_{a b}:

(A_{a b} g) t = t + \int^{c d} (\Delta_b c \times C(a, c)) \times g d \times C(c \times d, t)

The coend \int^{c d} corresponds, in Haskell, to the existential data type we used in the definition of Day.

Since we have the hom-functor C(a, c) under the coend, the first step is to use the co-Yoneda lemma to “perform the integration” over c, which replaces c with a everywhere. We get:

t + \int^d \Delta_b a \times g d \times C(a \times d, t)

We can then evaluate the constant functor and use the currying adjunction:

C(a \times d, t) \cong C(d, a \to t)

to get:

t + \int^d b \times g d \times C(d, a \to t)

Applying the co-Yoneda lemma again, we replace d with a \to t:

t + b \times g (a \to t)

This is exactly the functor that generates FunList. So FunList is indeed the free applicative generated by Store.

All transformations in this derivation were natural isomorphisms.

Now let’s switch our attention to Bazaar, which can be defined as:

type Bazaar a b t = forall f. Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> f t

(The actual definition of Bazaar in the lens library is even more general–it’s parameterized by a profunctor in place of the arrow in a -> f b.)

The universal quantification in the definition of Bazaar immediately suggests the application of my favorite double Yoneda trick in the functor category: The set of natural transformations (morphisms in the functor category) between two functors (objects in the functor category) is isomorphic, through Yoneda embedding, to the following end in the functor category:

Nat(h, g) \cong \int_{f \colon [C, Set]} Set(Nat(g, f), Nat(h, f))

The end is equivalent (modulo parametricity) to Haskell forall. Here, the sets of natural transformations between pairs of functors are just hom-functors in the functor category and the end over f is a set of higher-order natural transformations between them.

In the double Yoneda trick we carefully select the two functors g and h to be either representable, or somehow related to representables.

The universal quantification in Bazaar is limited to applicative functors, so we’ll pick our two functors to be free applicatives. We’ve seen previously that the higher-order functor that generates free applicatives has the form:

F g = Id + g \star F g

Here’s the version of the Yoneda embedding in which f varies over all applicative functors in the category App, and g and h are arbitrary functors in [C, Set]:

App(F h, F g) \cong \int_{f \colon App} Set(App(F g, f), App(F h, f))

The free functor F is the left adjoint to the forgetful functor U:

App(F g, f) \cong [C, Set](g, U f)

Using this adjunction, we arrive at:

[C, Set](h, U (F g)) \cong \int_{f \colon App} Set([C, Set](g, U f), [C, Set](h, U f))

We’re almost there–we just need to carefuly pick the functors g and h. In order to arrive at the definition of Bazaar we want:

g = \sigma_{a b} = \Delta_a \times C(b, -)

h = C(t, -)

The right hand side becomes:

\int_{f \colon App} Set\big(\int_c Set (\Delta_a c \times C(b, c), (U f) c)), \int_c Set (C(t, c), (U f) c)\big)

where I represented natural transformations as ends. The first term can be curried:

Set \big(\Delta_a c \times C(b, c), (U f) c)\big) \cong Set\big(C(b, c), \Delta_a c \to (U f) c \big)

and the end over c can be evaluated using the Yoneda lemma. So can the second term. Altogether, the right hand side becomes:

\int_{f \colon App} Set\big(a \to (U f) b)), (U f) t)\big)

In Haskell notation, this is just the definition of Bazaar:

forall f. Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> f t

The left hand side can be written as:

\int_c Set(h c, (U (F g)) c)

Since we have chosen h to be the hom-functor C(t, -), we can use the Yoneda lemma to “perform the integration” and arrive at:

(U (F g)) t

With our choice of g = \sigma_{a b}, this is exactly the free applicative generated by Store–in other words, FunList.

This proves the equivalence of Bazaar and FunList. Notice that this proof is only valid for Set-valued functors, although a generalization to the enriched setting is relatively straightforward.

There is another family of functors, Traversable, that uses universal quantification over applicatives:

class (Functor t, Foldable t) => Traversable t where
  traverse :: forall f. Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b)

The same double Yoneda trick can be applied to it to show that it’s related to Bazaar. There is, however, a much simpler derivation, suggested to me by Derek Elkins, by changing the order of arguments:

traverse :: t a -> (forall f. Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> f (t b))

which is equivalent to:

traverse :: t a -> Bazaar a b (t b)

In view of the equivalence between Bazaar and FunList, we can also write it as:

traverse :: t a -> FunList a b (t b)

Note that this is somewhat similar to the definition of toList:

toList :: Foldable t => t a -> [a]

In a sense, FunList is able to freely accumulate the effects from traversable, so that they can be interpreted later.


I’m grateful to Edward Kmett and Derek Elkins for many discussions and valuable insights.