Introducing Sidecar

A smartphone displaying the Sidecar app homescreen. It includes buttons to drinks, tags, ingredients, techniques, and an about page, as well as three featured cocktails.

A little over a year ago, my wife bought me a copy of Liquid Intelligence by Dave Arnold. It’s a book by a renowned bartender on making cocktails. I enjoyed making drinks before this, but this book really got me hooked.

In the time since, I’ve been honing my skills. And I’ve been collecting cocktail recipes. Testing them, tweaking them, and sharing them. I have a little book of notecards on a ring, full of the recipes I have tested and deemed worthy of making again. I also have a few I’ve created myself.

Now, I’ve decided to digitize that little booklet, in the form of a little webapp. And I’m making it public at I’ve also added some important techniques and other information that’s essential to know when making drinks.

A recipe card for a cocktail called Negroni Sbagliato

It works well on desktop, but I’ve focused on optimizing it for mobile, so I can pull out my phone and look up a recipe wherever I am. If you’re interested, you can install it on your phone with your mobile browser’s “Add to Home Screen” option. I don’t have offline mode working quite yet (Update: it works offline!), but it still works great as a PWA.

Go ahead and give it a shot. And let me know if you find a recipe I should test out.

Sidecar: A curated collection of cocktails

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