Top 10 Dev Articles Over the Past Week (September 24 — October 1)

Max Bessarabov
JetRuby Agency
Published in
4 min readOct 2, 2018


As always, we prepared for you a new digest with the juiciest and most “hyped” IT articles over the past week. However, in this post, we won’t talk about the topics, such as “coding for beginners” or “how to develop an app.” Nevertheless, we have something to tell you.

You won’t learn how to code in Python… By the way, speaking about Python. Have you ever heard the phrase “Making Python great again?” If not, you haven’t probably heard about Trumpscript yet.

Some group of coders released a library on Github, which has a kinda working programming language based on Python, which mimics the behavior of Donald Trump.

Here are some cool features of it:

  • “All the programs must end with ‘America is great.’”
  • You won’t be able to use any fractions or decimals but only whole integers. Because “America never does something the half way.”
  • If you want to use TrumpScript, you’ll only be able to work with numbers that are greater than one million as “the small stuff is inconsequential.” As soon as you use numbers under a million, you’ll get an error message: “I’m really reach, Part of the beauty of me is I’m very rich.”

After all, if you decide to use this script, you need to be warned that “Trump doesn’t like to talk about his failures. So a lot of the time your code will fail, and it will do so silently.”

  1. Why you learn the most when you feel like you’re struggling as a developer. From times to times, we all feel frustrated, when we’re faced some really serious problems. However, we shouldn’t despair in such moments. Walt Schlender shares his success story, where he copes with such challenges.
  2. Best HTML, CSS, Javascript Practice : Chrome Extension. What is the best way to learn programming? Is it reading, taking courses or chatting with experienced developers? The right answer will be developing the product! Jungwon Seo will tell you how you can learn by building the Chrome extension.
  3. JavaScript Essentials: Types & Data Structures. In this episode, CodeDraken lists you common topics you’ll eventually encounter in JS as well as resources to learn about them.
  4. Full-time Developer in just a few months: Zero to Mastery case studies. What will you need to become a full-time developer? Will you need a computer science degree? A powerful computer? Or maybe you need to be good at math? Andrei Neagoie will tell you about the secret formula.
  5. How to become a Git expert. Have you ever asked yourself such questions as: “I made a mistake in my commit, how do I fix it?” or “My commit history is a mess, how do I make it eater?” If your answer is “yes,” this article is must-need. By Aditya Sridhar.
  6. How to create a start page for your website that attracts attention. Ainsley Yeung wrote a beautiful article, where she collected super efficient tips, which can help you build a page capable of attracting new users.
  7. Understanding Compilers — For Humans (Version 2). Understanding your compiler will allow you to use it effectively. Much work has been done to write this article. Luke Wilson added lots of links, example code, and diagrams to aid in your understanding.
  8. Achieving impossible coding tasks without knowing how to do them. There’s a huge amount of material, including books, videos, training courses. It’s really easy to spend all your time in training without ever getting on the project. However, this doesn’t mean you need to know the whole JS to start using it. By David Herron.
  9. How to Write Clean Code. Having read this episode, you’ll find the answers on the following questions: how to perform code reviews, how to prepare a code for review and so on. Clean codes start from this article. By Lokesh Gupta.
  10. Progressive Image Loading in React Native. Along with Spencer Carli, you’ll be able to build a component that allows passing a full size image to display, passing a thumbnail image to display while loading the full size image, automatically displaying a placeholder in the soon-to-be-downloaded image’s place to indicate that something will be there and… Wait, why not to take a look at this article on your own?

In addition, you can always view JetRuby’s latest and trending stories as well as drop us an email at if you have an idea for a story or want to write for us yourself!

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