Top 10 Dev Articles Over the Past Week (August 12 — August 17)

Ilya Matanov
JetRuby Agency
Published in
3 min readAug 17, 2018


Your weekly batch of the most trending and coolest articles over the past week has arrived! Hope you’ll enjoy it!

  1. A developer’s guide to web design for non-designers. One of the areas that front-end developers have to deal with the most is web design. Patrik Krupar will explain what you need to focus on when mastering this area.
  2. Write clean code and get rid of code smells with real life examples. When you’re a beginner developer, it’s not always easy to tell when you code starts to smell. Here are some of the most common code smells and how you can avoid them. By Mohamed Aladdin.
  3. How to Extract and Process Data from Social Media. Organizing the Code (Part 2). In the previous part, one of our developers told you about how to integrate your app with Ruby on Rails. In this part, you’ll learn how to organize all that new code for buttery-smooth performance.
  4. A quick introduction to web security. If you’ve never heard about such acronyms as “CORS” or “HSTS” or simply want to refresh your knowledge, this short article about main web security aspects is exactly for you. By Austin Tackaberry.
  5. 11 React Native Component Libraries You Should Know in 2018. React Native is undoubtedly the most popular technology for cross platform development. In this article, you’ll find a list of top 11 React Native components that may come in handy when building cross platform mobile apps.
  6. Vue.js Top 10 Articles for the Past Month (v.Aug 2018). From getting started with Vue.js to implementing forms and components. Mybridge has handpicked the most worthy articles about Vue.js over the past month.
  7. The most important part of a data science project is writing a blog post. William Koehrsen elaborates on the aspects of writing that can help you grow both personally and professionally.
  8. Tricks to writing efficient programs. In the world of software programming, most books get old faster than you can blink. However, some of them stay relevant even years after. By Johanne Andersen
  9. How to implement Google Analytics for a React Native app. The title of the article speaks for itself. So if that’s what you’ve been looking for, just click the link and don’t forget to say thank you to the author. By Nigs.
  10. Android Navigation Component Tips & Tricks — Implementing Splash screen. In his article, Saurabh Singhal elaborates on the possible issues you may face when implementing Android Navigation Component and how to solve them.

In addition, you can always view JetRuby’s latest and trending stories as well as drop us an email at if you have an idea for a story or want to write for us yourself!

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