What does your developer environment look like?

Filipe Correia
Runtime Revolution
Published in
2 min readAug 16, 2018


Photo by Roman Bozhko on Unsplash

A while ago here at Runtime Revolution, I ran a voluntary survey for the engineers in our Team to take. It started out simply as me trying to figure out if people use a different font to code than the editor default one.

After thinking about it for a while I reached the conclusion that I knew little about what people across the company used, not just the font, but which editor and extensions did they use, which programming languages they worked in, how did they query databases. There’s a lot of useful information that’s kind of lost across the company, and a survey seemed like an easy way to get it and communicate with everyone.

So here are the questions of the survey with pretty graphs showing the answers and some useful links.

What programming language(s) do you work with?

What editor(s) / IDE(s) do you use?

What font do you use while coding?

What font do you use while coding?

What shell do you use?

What databases do you work with most often?

What do you use to access databases?

What tools do you use to organize yourself?

How many files do you have in your desktop?

Wrapping Up

It was interesting to look at what tools people used. For instance, I had no idea orgmode was a thing. I also got the chance to add a couple of new extensions to my vscode (which was also part of the survey but didn’t result in pretty graphs to add to this post). I hope this has shown you some new things to check out or emboldened the choices you made for the tools you use.

Or maybe you’re just surprised that some devs in Lisbon still use Emacs.

Personally, I think that from time to time it is important to look at the tools we use and either try to learn new things about them or look into new ones to replace them. And one of the best ways to find new tools is just to ask around.

I work at Runtime Revolution from sunny Lisbon developing great products. I’ve just given you a simple overview of the tools we work with, if you’d like to work with us just reach out.

