Using Angular Route Guard For securing routes

Theophilus Omoregbee
Published in
5 min readAug 6, 2018


If you are trying to block some routes from loading based on some permissions or blocking a route based if not authenticated, then you can read along.

We are going to do an example where you need to login to view your dashboard and permission-based routing where if no permission to view a route you see 404 page.

Create an angular app with angular cli

ng new authGuard

Setup components

Let’s create our components

ng g c login --spec false -is
ng g c pageNotFound --spec false -is -it
ng g m dashboard
ng g c dashboard/layout --spec false -is -it
ng g c dashboard/home --spec false -is -it
ng g c dashboard/admin --spec false -is -it

we have created our sample login component, a pageNotFound component which is going to hold our 404 page, then dashboard modules to hold our secured components, a layout component to handle a minimal templating of our dashboard, a home component which is available for everyone signed in like a landing page and admin component only allowed to be viewed by those with admin role and also authenticated.

-it is for an inline template and is inline style instead of having separate .html and .css files for each generate component

Create our Routes

create a file src/app/app.routes.ts and add the below code


add the created routes above to our app.module.ts like so

import { RouterModule } from '@angular/router';
import { APP_ROUTES } from './app.routes';
imports: [

Let’s set up routes for our secured dashboard in /dashboard/dashboard.routes.ts


Open dashboard.module.ts and import our routes, like so

import { RouterModule } from '@angular/router';
import { dashboardRoutes } from './dashboard.routes';
imports: [

Finally, we attach the dashboard module to our app main module. Our app.module.ts should look this


Flesh out our components

Open app.component.html let’s add our router outlet


and update layout.component.ts template to the below snippet

<h1>Dashboard Layout</h1>
<a routerLink="home" >Home</a> |
<a routerLink="admin"> Admin </a>

Run ng serve — open,our app should now be like the below gif

app state

Route Guarding

Let’s guard our dashboard to only be accessed by authenticated users.

ng g s guards/authGuard --spec false

A service should be generated, Openguards/auth-guard.service.ts let’s get down to securing our dashboard using JWT strategy(as a sample auth method, you can use any preferred auth method)


We implemented the canActivate interface, which is going to determine if the component to be entered or not. Observed we are making use of AuthService which is a simple implementation to check if there’s a token in local storage and also check if the token is valid or not.

From our above code, if canActivate returns true the component is rendered else we redirect the user back to login component. At this point, you can do more like saving the current URL the user is trying to open and after authing, they can be redirected to the saved URL.

canActivate method can also be asynchronous when the checking is calling another service like sending a confirmation token to your backend server, which can either be a Promise<boolean> or Observable<boolean>.

Let’s use the route in our dashboard, open dashboard.routes.ts and add the below code

import { AuthGuard } from '../guards/auth-guard.service';
export const dashboardRoutes: Routes = [
component: LayoutComponent,
canActivate: [AuthGuard],

We added an extra field to our dashboard route canActivate which is going to read the canActivate method from our AuthGuard. Observe that it’s taking an array which means you can create multiple guards for different purposes, like which type of users can view the dashboard as a whole after authentication. Guards are processed in the order they were placed in the canActivate array field.

Lastly, we need to provide our AuthGuard in our dashboard.module.ts

import { AuthGuard } from "../guards/auth-guard.service";
imports: [
providers: [AuthGuard],
Dashboard secured

We are almost there.

Role-based guarding

Since we are using JWT auth strategy, we are going to decode our token and then use the decoded user object to check if a role is allowed to access a route or not.

We don’t just hide the menu link to the secured route, we also need to guard it against users who are familiar with the URL to secured routes. Don’t forget to also add backend role checker for any action that’s going to be taken from a secured routes too.

ng g s guards/roleGuard --spec false

Open role-guard.service.ts and paste the below code


We are making use of the ActivatedRouteSnapshot data, which is for passing extra information to a route during route setup. We check if the role added to the route is the same as the user role, if so we move on, else we take the user to thepageNotFound component.

Let’s apply our route guard now. Open up our routes configuration in dashboard.routes.tslet's modify the admin route

import { RoleGuard } from '../guards/role-guard.service';
path: 'admin',
component: AdminComponent,
canActivate: [RoleGuard],
data: {role: 'Admin'}


Don’t forget to provide our guard like the way we did for AuthGuard in our dashboard.module.ts .

Let’s save and run our app now

We’ve successfully created secured routes using Angular’s guard, which was basically the use of canActivate method. There are other guard methods like canActivateChild, CanLoad, e.t.c. Check Angular Docs for more.

Complete Source code

To prefetch data for your component which is guarded, check out the below link

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