Hi there! This is just a quick and short post to keep you guys updated on what is happening with this blog and myself. I'm getting ready for GopherCon UK, and it takes much more time than I thought.

This will be my first time speaking in front of such an audience, and my first time speaking at any English-speaking conference. I've been giving my talks on GoWroc meetup in English for some time, but it feels like there will be a much different atmosphere (and pressure) in London.

I will be speaking about testing in Go (and in general a bit as well) because for some reason making sure the code behaves the way we want to gives me great joy. Obviously, It's not possible to measure how much potential issues were caught and prevented thanks to them, but I can only assume that my life will be more difficult without them.

I hope to see you out there! If you read this post and see me at the conference, please come and say hi, that would mean so much to me.