I have worked with PostgreSQL since 2006. Still, I keep learning about new aspects of PostgreSQL regularly. Sometimes it feels like the more I know, the better I see that I have yet a lot to learn. Often, beginners' questions in a training session make me learn something new! Today, my co-worker Pavlo told be about the PostgreSQL parameter stats_fetch_consistency
. Probably not a parameter that you want to tune every day, but you never know.
Table of Contents
Let's imagine you are trying to investigate checkpoint statistics, which you can find in the view pg_stat_checkpointer
since PostgreSQL v17:
Huh? Why did num_requested
not jump to 5? If we commit the transaction, it does:
It looks like the statistics only get updated in a new transaction. That is somewhat surprising, as I didn't use the REPEATABLE READ
isolation level. Until today, I didn't know that I can change this behavior with stats_fetch_consistency
The parameter stats_fetch_consistency
governs how PostgreSQL caches data for the following statistics views:
(WAL archiver statistics)pg_stat_bgwriter
(background writer statistics)pg_stat_checkpointer
(checkpointer statistics)pg_stat_io
(I/O statistics per backend type)pg_stat_slru
(statistics about SLRU caches)pg_stat_wal
(WAL statistics)The possible values are:
: PostgreSQL doesn't cache statistics data at all, but reads them whenever you access one of the above statistics viewscache
: when you access the statistics for an object (table etc.) for the first time in a database transaction, PostgreSQL reads the data for that object and caches then for the duration of the transactionsnapshot
: when you access the statistics for an object for the first time in a database transaction, PostgreSQL reads the data for all objects in the database and keeps them cached for the duration of the transactionThe default value is cache
. So to avoid the surprise in the previous section, all I would have had to do was to set stats_fetch_consistency
to “none
PostgreSQL v15 introduced stats_fetch_consistency
in commit 5891c7a8ed as part of the effort to track database statistics in shared memory. So if you, like me, have never heard about this parameter before, you have at least the excuse that it is a fairly recent one.
I'd argue that the default value cache
is rarely what you want. For ad-hoc queries, you probably want the setting “none
” to avoid surprises like the one above. If you have a monitoring system that regularly queries all kinds of database statistics in a single transaction, “snapshot
” may make sense to get consistent values. Otherwise, I'd also use “none
” for my monitoring system, hoping that it won't query statistics for the same object multiple times.
is one of the less important PostgreSQL parameters. I don't think it matters much, but a setting of “none
” is probably good in most cases.
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