lilos v1.0 released

After five years of development, something like seven art projects, one commercial product, and many changes to the dark corners of the Rust language, I’ve decided lilos is ready for a 1.0 release!

Some parts I’m excited about include:

(For anyone who’s new, lilos is a tiny embedded operating system that uses Rust async to allow complex multitasking on very limited microcontrollers without requiring dynamic memory allocation. Read more about lilos on my project page, where I link to the docs and provide a curated collection of blog posts on the topic.)

See the release notes if you’re curious about what’s changed. If you’ve got firmware written for an earlier version of lilos (particularly the 0.3.x series) and would like to update (you don’t have to!), those release notes will guide you through the process. There have been some breaking API changes, but I promise they’re all improvements.