Git: Show the first tag containing a commit SHA

Artist’s impression of a complex branching and tagging structure.

Say you have a commit SHA and want to know the first version it was released in. You can use this command:

$ git describe --contains <sha> | sed -E 's/[~^][0-9]*//g'

Replace <sha> with the commit SHA.

For example, I recently wanted to know which version of Django first contained commit 4555aa0, so I ran:

$ git describe --contains 4555aa0 | sed -E 's/[~^][0-9]*//g'

The pipeline first uses git describe to get a “description” for this commit, based upon containing tags:

$ git describe --contains 4555aa0

This command will either:

In the success cases, the sed command then strips the ~<n> or ^0 suffixes to leave just the tag name.

Add an alias

To make this command easier to run, add a Git alias for it. Add the following to your global configuration file (~/.git/config/git or ~/.gitconfig), merging with any existing [alias] section:

    show-containing-tag = "!f() { git describe --contains \"$1\" | sed -E 's/[~^][0-9]*//g' ; }; f"

Then, run it like so:

$ git show-containing-tag 4555aa0

For more on how the alias works, refer to Boost Your Git DX.

List all containing tags

To list all tags that contain a given commit, use git tag with its --contains option:

$ git tag --sort=creatordate --contains 4555aa0


Bag those tags,


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