DBXS 0.1.0

Today there is a new release of my database access and query organizer library with support for MySQL, PostgreSQL, and asyncio.

supportedpythonprogrammingdatabasessql Friday March 29, 2024

New Release

Yesterday I published a new release of DBXS for you all. It’s still ZeroVer, but it has graduated from double-ZeroVer as this is the first nonzero minor version.

More to the point though, the meaning of that version increment this version introduces some critical features that I think most people would need to give it a spin on a hobby project.

What’s New

  • It has support for MySQL and PostgreSQL using native asyncio drivers, which means you don’t need to take a Twisted dependency in production.

  • While Twisted is still used for some of the testing internals, Deferred is no longer exposed anywhere in the public API, either; your tests can happily pretend that they’re doing asyncio, as long as they can run against SQLite.

  • There is a new repository convenience function that automatically wires together multiple accessors and transaction discipline. Have a look at the docstring for a sense of how to use it.

  • Several papercuts, like confusing error messages when messing up query result handling, and lack of proper handling of default arguments in access protocols, are now addressed.

It’s A Good Time To Contribute!

If you’ve been looking for an open source project to try your hand at contributing to, DBXS might be a great opportunity, for a few reasons:

  1. The team is quite small (just me, right now!), so it’s easy to get involved.

  2. It’s quite generally useful, so there’s a potential for an audience, but right now it doesn’t really have any production users; there’s still time to change things without a lot of ceremony.

  3. Unlike many other small starter projects, it’s got a test suite with 100% coverage, so you can contribute with confidence that you’re not breaking anything.

  4. There’s not that much code (a bit over 2 thousand SLOC), so it’s not hard to get your head around.

  5. There are a few obvious next steps for improvement, which I’ve filed as issues if you want to pick one up.

Share and enjoy, and please let me know if you do something fun with it.


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