Red Green Repeat Adventures of a Spec Driven Junkie

Programming with AI: Breaking Free of Dogmas

I wrote about programming dogmas before and when programming with Generative Artificial Intelligence, or I’ll just say: AI, I realize:

AI can do all the programming dogmas in a second

One of the biggest ones I have is to always test your code. I believe writing tests first is the best way to write code. So much that I’m a devout practioner of test driven development, TDD.

Until now.

With AI, why even write tests? You can take all the code you wrote, put it into the AI, and prompt:

Write tests for this code

The AI will generate tests for your code.

It’s magical ✨

Like seriously, getting me to practice TDD took so expensive lessons that are difficult to teach others.

Here, AI does the test writing part in an instant?!

Guess how I will be programming next?!


The same goes for other programming dogmas:

  Example Prompt
1. Always test your code Write tests for this code
2. DRY: Don’t Repeat Yourself Rewrite so function x is only used once
3. Document your code Write documentation for this code
4. Abstractions Refactor this code to use better abstractions
5. A function should do only one thing Refactor this function into multiple smaller functions
6. Have good variable and function names Rename “this” to “that”

With AI, programming dogmas, best practices are just a prompt away and let programmers focus on:

Solving problems

Instead of solving the problem of making their solution conform to “programming best practices”.

Programming becomes…fun again!

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