What makes a great user experience? There are probably as many answers to this question as there are users because we are talking about very subjective and personal feelings and observations.

While there are multiple experts at Percona, we also believe that one should not be forced to become a database expert to be able to set up and maintain a properly working, secure, and fast database. Cloud solutions take care of typical aspects of database configuration and lifecycle, but they also cost a lot and may not be applicable to all use cases.

With that in mind, we want to make sure Percona Server for MySQL and the satellite Percona products come with the highest level of usability possible.

How can you help?

We have just published a survey so we can try to understand the most common challenges in terms of particularly time-consuming or tricky tasks. Please participate to help us prioritize our efforts in improving these areas. Click here to open the survey:


MySQL usability challenges survey


What’s in it for you?

This is a double win for you.

First and foremost: We will analyze your responses and prioritize our development efforts to make things easier and faster while using MySQL. So, in other words, you can make your own experience with MySQL better.

There is also a short-term win: From those participants who will have made an effort to answer and have left us their contact details, we will select five who will receive $100 Amazon gift cards. This way, you can buy yourself something nice while waiting for us to improve the product.

Go ahead!

The polls are open between March 5th and 19th, 2024. Click here to participate:


MySQL survey


We’ll be contacting the lucky winners after March 20th.

And, if you happen to be at the Scale 21X conference in Pasadena, CA, USA, I’ll be happy to chat with you in person.

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