Parsing Numbers At Compile Time with C++17, C++23, and C++26 -- Bartlomiej Filipek

modern-parsingnum.pngThanks to the powerful constexpr keyword and many enhancements in recent C++ standards, we can now perform a lot of computations at compile time. In this text, we’ll explore several techniques for parsing integers, including the “naive” approach, C++23,from_chars,std::optional, std::expected, and even some upcoming features in C++26.

Parsing Numbers At Compile Time with C++17, C++23, and C++26

by Bartlomiej Filipek

From the article:

Why at compile time?

While it may sound like a theoretical experiment, since C++11 we can shift more and more computations to compile-time. Here are some key areas and examples where constexpr can be beneficial:

Starting easy from C++17 

Starting with C++17, we are now capable of writing complex constexpr functions. However, our ability to do so is still limited by the range of algorithms available in that context. Luckily, with the introduction of string_view in that version of C++, there is no longer any need to work with “raw” const char* buffers.

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