My approach to Advent of Code puzzles

Justin Wernick <>
Curly Tail, Curly Braces


Each year in December, I take part in the Advent of Code. In this article, I explore the habits and processes I've settled into for approaching a new Advent of Code challenge, and how that can be quite different from my approach to production code.

Each year in December, I take part in the Advent of Code. It's a nifty coding advent calendar: each day from 1 December until Christmas, there is a new puzzle that can be solved through programming.

The puzzles all have more or less the same shape. You download some text input file. The puzzle will involve reading that input file and processing it in some way (it's strongly recommended that you write a program for this). At the end, the answer is some single word or number. To complete the puzzle, you type your answer into the Advent of Code website. Any program you write will only need to run on your computer, so you have complete freedom in terms of what programming language you use, how you prepare before hand, or even if you have manual steps like changing the input file to make it easier to work with.

There's also a story, where you're solving all of these puzzles to save Christmas! The first year I took part in was 2016, which told the story of recovering critical pieces of Santa's sleigh which were stolen by the Easter Bunny! Another year, we had to shrink down and go into Santa's broken printer, which he needs to print the naughty and nice list. This year told the story of going through the North Pole's elaborate weather machinery to ensure that it would snow on Christmas. It really leans into that fantasy where you use a skill you just learned to save the day.

I do this every year primarily because I enjoy it. A few friends of mine also participate every year, so how we each solved the day's challenge is a fun conversation topic. There are also benefits like practicing problem solving skills around data structures and algorithms. It's a bit different from what I get to do most days at work, and I enjoy getting to stretch that part of my brain. Not to mention that it's really useful to have those algorithm skills fresh when they do become necessary!

Since I've been doing this for a few years, I've settled into a pattern about how I approach these puzzles. Even though it's still programming, the nature of the problems means that the approach is quite different from how I would usually write software. In this article, I'm going to discuss what that approach is, the tools and libraries I use to support my process, and how that differs from writing production code.


Since I know more or less the shape of the problem, there's some work that I can do the night before.

All of the tools I might need should be installed. All the relevant Rust compiler toolchain stuff is running. My IDE (Emacs) is ready to write Rust. The appropriate Rust Analyzer plugin stuff is working.

Before the first challenge, I also create a new Cargo project for the year. It's one Cargo project, with an empty file in the src/bin directory for each day. So in preparation for day 1, src/bin/ should exist and have a main function. If you haven't encountered having multiple binary targets in a Cargo project before, you can build and run extra executables in the src/bin directory with cargo run --bin day_1.

I can't do much more without knowing the problem.

Read the Problem

The first thing I do is read and enjoy the story! I know that some people are racing for time, and for them it makes sense to skim over and skip the story. I'm usually only starting a few hours after the problem came out (the problems come out as the kids are waking up), so I may as well take my time and enjoy the story when I get to it.

For the problem part, it's important here to make sure that I understand the problem to solve. Make sure I understand what the input represents, the output that I need to find, and make sure that I can see how the examples get from input to output.

It's code time!

Pretty much all programs can be thought of in terms of input, processing, and output. For Advent of Code problems, that input usually starts life as a text file in some custom format. However, the processing step is almost always easier if that input is in a nice data structure.

Set up some data structures

The first step in my coding process is to figure out what the "nice data structures" to represent my input would be. In Rust terms, this means writing a few structs and enums. If there are numbers, they should usually be some number type. For example, if it's a positive integer, then it should be something like a u32. Relationships between different entities would usually be some combination of maps, sets, and vectors.

For example, for Day 4 last year, the input was a list of scratchcards, each with a set of winning numbers and a list of numbers that appear on the scratchcard.

Card 1: 41 48 83 86 17 | 83 86  6 31 17  9 48 53
Card 2: 13 32 20 16 61 | 61 30 68 82 17 32 24 19

This is the set of structs that I wrote. The newtype pattern for the top level collection is mostly so that I can think in terms of writing a parser later that returns a Scratchcards, and so that I can associate functions with the top level Scratchcards type.

struct Scratchcards(Vec<Scratchcard>);

struct Scratchcard {
    winning: BTreeSet<u32>,
    owned: BTreeSet<u32>,

Parse that input

The next goal is to write the code which takes the puzzle input and parse it into those data structures we've designed. These days, I generally use a library called Nom to do so.

Nom is a "parser combinators library", which is a fancy way of saying that it's a library which provides a bunch of parsers. Some of those parsers recognise certain symbols, like a number.

Other parsers are "combinators", which take other parsers and combine them together. For example, the separated list parser takes two parsers: one for reading items we're expecting a list of, and one for reading the separator between items. separated_list1(space1, u32) is a parser which will read a list of unsigned 32 bit numbers, separated by whitespace. Since it's also a parser, I can pass it to other parser combinators until I eventually have a parser which reads my whole file.

Something important to remember is that this parser doesn't have to be clean, and it doesn't have to be perfect. If it reads the input file in front of me correctly, that's good enough. It never actually needs to parse any other file. That's one of the fun ways that Advent of Code problems feel different from my normal day to day programming.

This is what the parser looks like for the input above:

impl Scratchcards {
    fn parser(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Self> {
            separated_list1(line_ending, Scratchcard::parser),

impl Scratchcard {
    fn parser(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Self> {
                separated_list1(space1, u32),
                separated_list1(space1, u32),
            |(_, _, _, _, _, winning, _, _, _, owned)| Scratchcard {
                winning: winning.into_iter().collect(),
                owned: owned.into_iter().collect(),

Check that the parser works

If I were writing production code, then I absolutely should write unit tests for that parser. In real production code, I should also think carefully about all of the potential error cases, and how I could have nice actionable error messages. I'd probably also refactor that massive tuple where I'm ignoring most of the fields! However, this is Advent of Code, and it only ever needs to work on the one input I have in front of me. I find it more effective in this case to simply print the parsed input to the console and check it manually against my expectations from looking at my input.

fn main() {
    let input = fs::read_to_string("inputs/day_4.txt").unwrap();
    let scratchcards = Scratchcards::parser(&input).unwrap().1;

If it parses the input in front of me, it's good enough to move on to the next step.

Solve the problem

The next step is to take the nicely parsed input, and write the code to transform it into the output. Every day is different, so I don't have a formula for this part, but I do have some general rules of thumb:

On the top level, my main function ends up looking more or less the same every day. Read the file, parse it, then call some functions on the parsed data struct to get the answer and log it out. The dbg! macro is great for this sort of thing, because it prints both the code and the result, so I can easily see which is the part 1 and part 2 answers.

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let input = fs::read_to_string("inputs/day_4.txt").unwrap();
    let scratchcards = Scratchcards::parser(&input).unwrap().1;
    // This is the part 1 answer
    // This is the part 2 answer

After coming up with the answer, we're good right? Well, let's talk about some of the common cases where things go wrong.

Oh no, it's running forever!

A common pattern for Advent of Code puzzles is to have the first part be fairly straightforward to implement, and then second part is the same but with a bigger input. Maybe I'll need to count the number of squares that are inside an small area in part one. Since I usually start with a naive solution, my first solution goes over the area and counts the squares one by one. Then part two needs me to do the same thing for a very large area, too large to actually count the squares individually.

When I run into these problems, usually how it manifests is that my program will be technically correct, and work for the small example input, but when I use the big input it runs forever!

Let's look at some common solutions to this:

Oh no, that's the wrong answer!

It happens. Sometimes, I confidently enter an answer, only to be told that "sorry, the answer you gave is too high". So, how do I deal with this?

Hopefully, after trying these things, I've found my mistake and get the right answer!


Hopefully at this point, I've found the correct answer and are enjoying those two yummy gold stars.

And all that is left is to wait for the next day, the next two challenges, and the next two gold stars.

I hope that my process has helped you to think through what your own process is, and maybe given you something to think about.

And I hope that you, like me, are looking forward to Advent of Code next year!

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