
Recently I was helping out my daughter with her art class. Will summarize some quick thoughts here.

The task was simple. Draw a 3cm by 3cm 45° rotated squares where corners overlap. The images above are the third iteration of my attempt to draw this.

The keen observer will notice the impreciseness, which I also noticed as I drew it. I was only using a ruler, and I’m sure there are ways to improve the precision, but in any case that precision will never beat this Python program:

# rotate around center
ctx.translate(w/2, h/2)
ctx.translate(-w/2, -h/2)

for i in range(0, w, size + size//3):
  for j in range(0, h, size + size//3):
    ctx.rectangle(i, j, size, size)
    ctx.rectangle(i-2*size//3, j-2*size//3, size, size)
Computer-generated tiles

This tile “art” can be interpreted in infinite ways. Here’s my interpretation. We have one hand-drawn image from a human and another computer-generated. Which is more beautiful? We want preciseness everywhere, but the truth is, we can’t really escape impreciseness.

Anyway, drawing this gave quite the meditative effect 🙂 As my friend Darko mentioned, coloring is another step that can be taken for more meditation.

Don’t forget to always create, and always consume.

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