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Preslav Rachev
  1. Scratchpad /Quotes /

❝ Artificial text is a statistical mashup of human quotes.

·1 min

A quote from Writing with AI by Oliver Reichenstein. Oliver rightly states that in its current state, AI-generated content is, at best, a recycled blend of existing human expressions:

Artificial text is a statistical mashup of human quotes. When we quote AI, we quote quotes. We quote a Bircher muesli of quotes, write over it, and then feed it back into the AI system. There our input gets rehashed again. The way it currently works, AI is more likely to reach lukewarm entropy than ice-cold super-intelligence.

Writing with AI
When ChatGPT came out one year ago, we wanted to know whether and how it could be used for writing. We put it to the test.

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