Red Green Repeat Adventures of a Spec Driven Junkie

Shaving with Both Hands

I mentioned switching hand dominance when using my phone was hard - especially that “first reach” to the phone.

An area where switching hand dominance was beneficial:


Shaving with Both Hands

I shaved with my, right? left? hand, err, honestly, I only shaved with one of my hands for the longest time using a cartridge razor.

When I researched cheaper shaving options - I discovered Wicked Edge on Reddit - a great community dedicated to shaving. I wanted the best bang for my buck.

The first thing I did before even buying anything - learn to shave properly, which this video taught so much.

I realized that I wasn’t shaving properly with my dominant shaving hand and had to step up my game, especially before I went with a double edge razor!

I practiced with my current razor for awhile - then I thought:

What if I changed the hand I shaved with??

This taught me about shaving even more. I had to relearn how to shave again using my non-dominant hand.

I don’t think I ever had to shave with my non-dominant hand ever - so I learned a lot, even rethinking how to shave better with my dominant hand.

When I was confident enough to shave properly using the cartridge razor, I stepped up and got a double edge razor.

As I learned to shave properly twice, transitioning to shaving from a cartridge to a double edge razor was not as hard as I expected.

Learning to shave with my other hand helped me shave with a double edge razor easily!