Red Green Repeat Adventures of a Spec Driven Junkie

Parenting: the Worst Roommate

One analogy I describe what parenting is like to non-parents or soon-to-be parents:

Being a parent is like having the worst roommate. They cry for everything. You’re constantly cleaning up after them. They’re doing things to keep you up all night, etc.

I don’t know where I got that from, probably a combination of experience and something I read online.

When you go into parenting with that perspective, there’s nothing that your “new roommate” will do to disappoint you further.

Worst Rommate Ever Worst Roommate Ever

On the flip side, as a parent, your roommate will get better. There are specific physiological reasons why they are the way they are: they just entered the world!

The things they do at night will keep you up less. They cry less especially as you learn to understand the cries, develop coping mechanisms, cleaning becomes easier, etc.

This is a big difference between your kids as roommates and adults as roommates.


If you’re struggling with the worst roommate ever now - my message: there is light at the end of the tunnel, every investment you make into that roommate will come back a million times!

It’s a wild ride and totally worth it.