Red Green Repeat Adventures of a Spec Driven Junkie

The Hardest Part of AI

The current wave of artificial intelligence, AI, using generalized pre-trained transformers, GPT, is such a revolution in productivity. I’m enjoying using AI tools such as ChatGPT for everything, hallucinations and all!

When I step back and think about the hardest thing about AI and society, I wonder if the hard change AI is causing is the people.

Human vs AI

Most importantly - all the people companies would displace because work AI tools can do in a moment with considerably less effort a person would take before.

I believe the hardest thing about AI is being the person to fire the people AI replaces.

As a manager, that’s the worst part of the job. Nobody gets into management to negatively impact people’s lives (at least anybody I know!)

What does one do??

It depends!

What do you do? How does AI affect what you do? Can you leverage AI for your job?

If you’re a manager, encourage team members to do the same too.

In general, lean into the current AI trend!

I love the current AI trend and using AI wherever I can for my life. My wife has been loving the AI tools for her business as well.

If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em!