Red Green Repeat Adventures of a Spec Driven Junkie

The AI Paradigm Shift

I love the current artificial intelligence (AI) tools built on large-language models (LLM). They deliver on the AI promises of the past 75 years!

What’s crazy is how fast and furious they arrived for the public.

AI Enhancing Human

Right now, for less than what I spend on coffee beans each month, I can access an AI system that I can interact with like another person, pair program with a 100x software engineer, explore any topic I want at any depth I want, get book summaries, create art from text, and more.

The current AI tools are a paradigm shift - where we, as a species, will look back at the time before AI as “unfathomable”.

The same paradigm shift as maps on mobile phones. I have to ask:

When was the last time you used a printed map to get anywhere?

Yes - a LONG time ago, if ever.

If I put you somewhere new, gave you maps, and a compass, would you be able to a destination on the map??

That’s how much of a game changer AI is for knowledge.

I do not “search” anymore - I just ask, check the response, and ask more.

I am experiencing a shift in my own thinking - I just ask how to do something, because the possibility is there! I just need to open myself to the possibility.

This is the first or second (or n-th??) iteration of the tool, the next iterations will be even more paradigm shifting.

We are living in wonderful times!