Post local notification in flutter

In Flutter, you can post local notifications using plugins such as flutter_local_notifications. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to post local notifications in your Flutter app:

Step 1: Add Dependency

To get started, you need to add the flutter_local_notifications package to your pubspec.yaml file. Open the file and add the following dependency:

    sdk: flutter
  flutter_local_notifications: ^5.0.0

Then, run flutter pub get to fetch the package.

Step 2: Initialize the Plugin

You need to initialize the plugin in your Flutter app, typically in your main.dart file. Here’s how you can do it:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_local_notifications/flutter_local_notifications.dart';

void main() {

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      home: HomeScreen(),

Step 3: Configure Notifications

In your app, you can configure how notifications will look and behave. This usually happens in the main() function before calling runApp(). For example:

Future<void> _configureLocalNotifications() async {
  final FlutterLocalNotificationsPlugin flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin =

  final AndroidInitializationSettings androidInitializationSettings =
  final IOSInitializationSettings iosInitializationSettings =
          onDidReceiveLocalNotification: onDidReceiveLocalNotification);

  final InitializationSettings initializationSettings = InitializationSettings(
    android: androidInitializationSettings,
    iOS: iosInitializationSettings,

  await flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin.initialize(initializationSettings,
      onSelectNotification: onSelectNotification);

void main() async {
  await _configureLocalNotifications();


This code initializes the local notifications plugin and defines how notifications should behave on Android and iOS platforms

Step 4: Post a Notification

You can post a notification from anywhere in your app by calling the show method of the FlutterLocalNotificationsPlugin instance. Here’s an example of how to post a notification:

Future<void> _postNotification() async {
  final FlutterLocalNotificationsPlugin flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin =

  final AndroidNotificationDetails androidPlatformChannelSpecifics =
    importance: Importance.max,
    priority: Priority.high,
    showWhen: false,
  final NotificationDetails platformChannelSpecifics =
      NotificationDetails(android: androidPlatformChannelSpecifics);

    0, // notification ID
    'Notification Title',
    'Notification Body',

Step 5: Handle Notification Interaction

You can handle user interaction with notifications by defining the onSelectNotification and onDidReceiveLocalNotification callbacks. For example:

Future<void> onSelectNotification(String? payload) async {
  if (payload != null) {
    debugPrint('Notification clicked with payload: $payload');

  // Handle notification interaction here

Future<void> onDidReceiveLocalNotification(
    int id, String? title, String? body, String? payload) async {
  // Handle notification when received while the app is in the foreground

These callbacks allow you to take specific actions when the user interacts with the notification.

Step 6: Call _postNotification() to Trigger a Notification

To post a notification, simply call the _postNotification() function at the appropriate point in your app:

  onPressed: () => _postNotification(),
  child: Text('Post Notification'),

In this example, a button press triggers the notification.

That’s it! You’ve now set up and posted local notifications in your Flutter app using the flutter_local_notifications package. You can customize the notification appearance, behavior, and how you handle user interaction according to your app’s requirements.

A pat on the back !!