Red Green Repeat Adventures of a Spec Driven Junkie

Improving Focus: Improve Sleep

A reason why I focus on improving my sleep is to improve focus.

After a night when I do not get enough sleep, I am constantly distracted. I go off track, do whatever I “feel like” (that may not always be work), or in a reactive mode.

The productivity on those days are a real struggle. I might meet my own expectations on those days, I’m spending time fighting myself to put into getting ahead of work or life.

On days where I feel rested from a solid night of sleep, I follow my systems, balance being proactive and reactive, and put off those “feel like” items to do later in the day (or not at all).

Those days are great because I’m in flow, I focus on executing and differ deciding - because I have the mental strength to know, execute on the plan past me put for future me and decide later.

As productive it seems that I get 17hrs of work done in a day instead of 16hrs, I will pay for those 17hrs the next day.

I’m in the mindset of just getting 16hrs of great work done each day.

Getting solid sleep helps in this - so when I want to improve my focus, I improve my sleep.

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