Take the IPFS Events 2024 Survey Today!

Take the IPFS Events 2024 Survey Today!

# We need your help! Make your voice heard about upcoming IPFS Events 📆

Each year, several different IPFS events and gatherings are held at different locations to make space for the community to socialize, learn, and grow together. Many of you have been eagerly awaiting more information about when the next events will be, and we’re excited to begin sharing some of those details with you starting today!

IPFS Camp will take place in Spring 2024! IPFS Camp is a large in-person gathering for the entire IPFS community: devs, operators, implementers, researchers – and you!

IPFS Thing is targeted for Fall 2024! IPFS Thing is a week-long gathering for the IPFS implementors community. Everything from talks, workshops, discussion circles, hacking time, and more — all focused on advancing IPFS implementations.

We are currently in the middle of sourcing venues for both events and would love to hear your feedback on where we should be looking and why. Submit your feedback via the following survey (opens new window) by September 25 at 11:59pm PST to make sure that you’re voice is heard!

Fill out the survey