Puzzlers on Kt. Academy, week 14

Marcin Moskala
Kt. Academy
Published in
3 min readJun 29, 2018


Weekly set of Kotlin puzzlers is waiting for you — challenge yourself!

Lazy delegate

class Lazy {
var x = 0
val y by lazy { 1/x }

fun hello() {
try {
} catch (e: Exception) {
x = 1

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

Author: Anton Keks

What will it display? Some possibilities:

a) 0
b) 1
c) NaN
d) ArithmeticException

Check out the answer and explanation using this link or by reading this article till the end.

Sneaky return

fun numbers(list: List<Int>) {
list.forEach {
if (it > 2) return

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
numbers(listOf(1, 2, 3))

Author: Anton Keks

What will it display? Some possibilities:

a) 123ok
b) 12ok
c) 12
d) Infinite loop

Check out the answer and explanation using this link or by reading this article till the end.

Two lambdas

typealias L = (String) -> Unit

fun foo(one: L = {}, two: L = {}) {

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
foo { print(it) }
foo({ print(it) })

Author: Anton Keks

What will it display? Some possibilities:

a) oneone
b) twotwo
c) onetwo
d) none of the above

Check out the answer and explanation using this link or by reading this article till the end.

Answers and explanations

For “Lazy delegate” the correct answer is:

b) 1

Why? Here is an explanation:

Lazy delegate can be called multiple times until it actually returns a value Delegate exceptions are be propagated out of the getter

For “Sneaky return” the correct answer is:

c) 12

Why? Here is an explanation:

In Kotlin, return returns from the nearest function declaration Unlike Java, you cannot return from a lambda — lambda returns an expression Using return within lambda is only possible in inline functions This is confusing at first but becomes pretty straightforward later

See more in here: https://github.com/angryziber/kotlin-puzzlers/blob/master/src/functions/sneakyReturn/KeywordHell.kt

For “Two lambdas” the correct answer is:

d) none of the above (twoone)

Why? Here is an explanation:

Lambda in parentheses is applied as the first argument Lambda without parentheses is defined to be applied as the last argument

  • This is great for DSLs
  • But can be confusing when combined with default parameters Do not take many lambdas as arguments, and avoid default values if you still do it

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Kt. Academy creator, co-author of Android Development with Kotlin, author of open-source libraries, community activist. http://marcinmoskala.com/