Red Green Repeat Adventures of a Spec Driven Junkie

My Experience with Coaches

One of the best things I have done to improve my life and career is finding a coach to help me.

My first time working with a coach was when I lost my job and was in the dumps.

The second time was when I wanted to switch companies and had a recommendation from an acquaintance.

Both times - I thought I was getting a coach that focused on “career”, because at the time, that’s the problem I had: getting a job.

In reality - both coaches were life coaches and now I see, great career coaches are really life coaches as life and career are highly intertwined.

You can’t have a great career without a great life and vice versa. From this experience, I believe a getting career coach that also focuses on life is essential. Having a coach focus too much on one is an imbalance.

If you’re looking for a coach and want to know about my experience working with them, feel free to contact me.