Inside STL: The Pair and The Compressed Pair -- Raymond Chen

RaymondChen_5in-150x150.jpgThe C++ language comes with a standard library. When you’re debugging your C++ code, you may have to go digging inside the implementation to extract information from crash dumps. This mini-series is going to look at how various C++ standard library types are implemented by the three major implementations (clang, gcc, and msvc).

Inside STL: The Pair and The Compressed Pair

By Raymond Chen

From the article:

The C++ language comes with a standard library. When you’re debugging your C++ code, you may have to go digging inside the implementation to extract information from crash dumps. This mini-series is going to look at how various C++ standard library types are implemented by the three major implementations (clang, gcc, and msvc).

We’ll start with the lowly std::pair. Its definition is quite simple.

template<typename T1, typename T2>
struct pair
    T1 first;
    T2 second;

The names of the members of std::pair are required by the C++ language standard, so you don’t see any variation here. Here’s how it looks in the Windows debugger:

0:000> ?? t
struct std::pair<int,int>
   +0x000 first            : 0n42
   +0x004 second           : 0n99

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