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Learn JavaScript Events

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22 min read

JavaScript events make web pages interactive and dynamic. They allow developers to create interactive and engaging digital experiences for users. In addition, they facilitate responses and feedback that users expect when interacting with applications. 

The usefulness of JavaScript events doesn't stop there. It extends further. For example, it makes asynchronous programming possible so that applications can respond to events in a nonlinear manner without requiring page reloads.

Because of JavaScript events, applications can also function efficiently across different browsers by smoothing away incompatibilities. 

In this guide, you'll find hands-on lessons on how to create event listeners, event handlers, and more. 

JavaScript Events From Scratch

To take you beyond the basics, these tutorials will give you an in-depth knowledge of working with JavaScript events: 

One great tip to really grasp a new programming concept you're learning is: don't just read the tutorial, but also type the actual code and run it!

1. Types of Events in JavaScript: Common Keyboard and Mouse Events

Keyboard events occur when a user interacts with the keyboard, such as pressing a key, releasing a key, or typing characters. In this article, we will look at different kinds of keyboard and mouse events in JavaScript, and see examples of how to use them.

2. Handling Keyboard Events in JavaScript

A visitor can either scroll up and down a page, write something inside an input field, click on a link to visit another page, or press a combination of keys to trigger a particular behavior. As a developer, you should be able to capture all these events and provide the desired functionality to users.

In this tutorial, our focus will be on handling keyboard events in JavaScript. We will learn about different types of keyboard events, handling special key events, and getting information about the keys that were pressed or released.

3. Catching and Responding to Keyboard Events in JavaScript

JavaScript provides a built-in KeyboardEvent object, which allows you to handle different types of keyboard events. In this article, we’ll discuss how you can catch and respond to different keyboard events in JavaScript. You will see a couple of real-world examples to make it easy to understand.

4. How to Add and Remove Event Listeners in JavaScript

The system or browser is supposed to send some sort of signal to let the programmer know that an event is happening or has taken place. This is where event listeners come into play. Events will usually be attached to specific elements where they were triggered. We attach event listeners or event handlers to elements to whose events we want to respond.

In this tutorial, you will learn the basics of adding and removing event listeners in JavaScript.

5. Timing Events in JavaScript: setTimeout and setInterval

In JavaScript, timing events are used to run code at a specific time or after a specific period of time. These events are frequently used in web development for animations, slide presentations, and other dynamic features that call for updates or changes over time.

6. Understanding the Event Loop in JavaScript

The event loop in JavaScript plays an important role in determining how code executes on the main thread. The event loop takes care of a few things such as the execution of code and the collection and processing of events. It also handles the execution of any queued sub-tasks.

In this tutorial, you'll learn the basics of the event loop in JavaScript.

7. Phases of the JavaScript Event Lifecycle

When you work in JavaScript, events are a common occurrence. An event can be as simple as a hover or click. When events happen, there are listeners to perform a desired functionality. In this article, you will learn the different phases of a JavaScript event.

8. Event Bubbling and Event Capturing in JavaScript

The moment you start to make use of event listeners, you will come across a few interesting browser behaviours. In this post, we will discuss two such behaviours: event bubbling and event capturing

Learning JavaScript  Events

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18 Minutes

An Introduction to JavaScript Event Listeners for Web Designers

Learn how to make your websites more interactive by using JavaScript event listeners. 

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