MySQL Shell is an advanced client and code editor for MySQL. In addition to the provided SQL functionality, similar to MySQL, MySQL Shell provides scripting capabilities for JavaScript and Python and includes APIs for working with MySQL. The X DevAPI enables you to work with both relational and document data, and MySQL Shell 8.0 is highly recommended for use with MySQL Server 8.0 and 5.7.

MySQL Shell includes utilities for working with MySQL. To access the utilities from within MySQL Shell, use the util global object, which is available in JavaScript and Python modes, but not SQL mode. These are the utilities to take a backup; let’s see some basic commands.

  • util.dumpTables – Dump one or more tables from single database
  • util.dumpSchemas – Dump one or more databases
  • util.dumpInstance – Dump full instance
  • util.loadDump – Restore dump

1. Single table dump

The below command is to take a dump of the table sbtest1 from the sysbench database and store the backup on the destination directory sysbench_dumps. The utility will create the directory when the destination directory does not exist. By default, compression, and chunking are enabled. When chunking is enabled, the table dump will be spitted onto multiple files based on size. Dialect:”csv gives the extension of the dump file, and by default, the file will be created with the tsv (Table separated value) extension.

These are the files created for the above dump command.

@.jsonComplete information about dump options, servername, and username used for the dump and binlog file and position, etc.
@.sql, server version and dump version details.
sysbench.jsonDatabase and table details involved in the dump.
[email protected]Details about the table sbtest1, including column names, indexes, triggers, characterset, and partitions.
sysbench.sqlCreate a statement for the database sysbench.
[email protected]Create a statement for the table sbtest1.
@.done.jsonEnd time of the dump and dump file size.
[email protected]Table dump file.


2. Backup only table structure

Option ddlOnly:true is used to take only the table structures. The below command is to take the table structure of sbtest1 from the sysbench database and store it in the sysbench_dumps path.

3. Dump only table data

Option dataOnly:true to take the dump of only data. The below command is to take table data of sbtest1 from the sysbench database and store it in the sysbench_dumps path.

4. Dump only selected data

This “where”: {“databasename.tablename”: “condition”} option is used to take a dump of selected data. The below command is to take a dump of table sbtest1 from id 1 to 10.

It’s also possible to take a dump of multiple tables with their conditions in a single command.


The below command is to take a dump of table sbtest1 from id 1 to 10 and dump of sbtest2 from id 100 to 110.

5. Dump data from partitions

The option partitions is to take a dump from selected partitions.


The below command is to take a dump from only partitions p1 and p2 and dump of sbtest2 table from partitions p4 and p5.

6. Taking Schemas dump

When taking schemas dump, by default, events, triggers, and routines will be taken. Those are stored in the database_name.sql file. The below command is to take a dump of the percona and sakila databases.

The below command is to skip the events, routines, and triggers.

We can also use these options to include and exclude the events, routines, and triggers


7. Taking specified tables from different databases

Sometimes we may need to take selected tables from different schemas. We can achieve this using the option includeTables.


Below is the command to take a dump of table users from the percona database and a dump of the actor table from the sakila database.

8. Instance dump

The command  util.dumpInstance takes the dump of a complete instance and stores it in /backup/instance_dump path. The system databases (mysql, sys, information_schema, performance_schema) are excluded, and by default, a dump of all the users from the instance is taken and stored in the file @.users.sql. This user dump file has the create and grant statements of all the users.

Some more options in the instance dump.

9. Restore the dump into a single database

The command util.loadDump is used to restore the dumps. The variable local_infile should be enabled to load the dumps.

Syntax :

The below command is to restore the dump into database test_restore. When we need to restore on a different schema, we have to use this option schema: “test_restore”. Otherwise, it will be restored on the source schema where it was taken.

10. Restore the full instance dump and configure replication

Here, we just loaded the full instance dump from /home/vagrant/instance_dump path with eight parallel threads.

I got the binlog file and position from the file @.json and configured the replication.

I hope the above examples help to understand the backup and restore using MySQL Shell. It has many advantages over native mysqldump. I personally feel that we are missing insert statements here, as we used to see the insert statements in dump files; apart from that, it looks good. Logical backup is good only when the dataset is small. When the dataset is big, the logical backup takes longer, and we have to go for physical backup using Percona XtraBackup.

Percona XtraBackup is a free, open source, complete online backup solution for all versions of Percona Server for MySQL and MySQL. It performs online non-blocking, tightly compressed, highly secure backups on transactional systems so that applications remain fully available during planned maintenance windows.


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