Release Announcement: South African ID Parser (JavaScript library) v1.1.0

Justin Wernick <>
Curly Tail, Curly Braces


I've released a new version of an old Javascript library I maintain, the South African ID Parser. This article lists the sorts of things I've changed, and talks about my plans to publish more libraries generally.

I've published an update to South African ID Parser JavaScript library on NPM.

Functionally there isn't much difference, but I've tried to update a lot of the stuff around the code to match my current understanding of what a useful library suitable for use in a professional context should have.

This is part of a broader change I'm trying to make in how I spend my work time. I'm trying to spend one work day a week actively writing and maintaining open source code, and trying to make sure that it's a good experience if anyone chooses to use it professionally. This also means I'll be blogging more. I'm also going to be looking through some of my older open source apps to pull out significant functionality that could be useful to others as libraries.

Most of this will probably be in Rust, since that's where I like to spend my time these days. I'll probably even port the South African ID Parser to Rust.

This of course all takes time. I've created a Patreon so that people can support me doing this. I would love if I could afford to spend even more time maintaining open source code. Please check out the Patreon and consider contributing if you're getting value from my work.

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Tags: blog, javascript


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