How to Resolve java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError?

The java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError is a runtime error in Java that occurs when a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) encounters a class file with a version that is not supported by the JVM. This error typically arises when there is a mismatch between the version of the JVM executing the code and the version in which the class file was compiled.

When the JVM encounters this error, it signifies that the class file was compiled with a higher version of Java than the one running the JVM. This mismatch can prevent the execution of the program, as the JVM may not understand or support certain bytecode features introduced in higher versions of Java.

The objective of this tutorial is to guide you through the resolution of the java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError. We will explore common scenarios that lead to this error and provide practical solutions to overcome it. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a solid understanding of how to identify and resolve this error, ensuring compatibility between the Java versions used for compilation and execution.

Understanding the Error

Definition of the java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError and its Common Causes

The java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError is a runtime error that occurs when a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) encounters a class file with a version number that is not supported by the JVM. This error typically arises due to a mismatch between the Java version used to compile the class and the Java version used to execute it.

The most common causes of UnsupportedClassVersionError include:

  1. Java Version Mismatch: This occurs when a class file is compiled with a higher version of Java than the version used to run it. For example, if a class is compiled with Java 11 but executed with Java 8, the JVM will throw an UnsupportedClassVersionError.
  2. Outdated JRE: If an older version of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is used to execute a class file compiled with a newer Java version, the UnsupportedClassVersionError can occur.

The Relationship between Java Versions and Class Versions

Understanding the relationship between Java versions and class versions is essential to grasp the nature of the UnsupportedClassVersionError error. In Java, each version release introduces new features, enhancements, and changes to the language and its runtime environment. When a class file is compiled, it is associated with a specific class version that corresponds to the Java version used during compilation.

The class version number is stored in the class file’s bytecode and indicates the Java version compatibility of the class. The JVM checks this class version when loading the class to ensure compatibility between the class file and the JVM’s version.

For example, consider a class file compiled with Java 11. It will have a class version of 55 (Java 11’s major version number). When this class is executed, the JVM checks if the class version matches the JVM’s supported version. If the JVM is an older version that supports Java 8, which has a class version of 52, the JVM will throw an UnsupportedClassVersionError.

It’s important to note that JVMs are generally backward compatible, meaning they can run class files compiled with older versions of Java. However, running class files compiled with a higher Java version on an older JVM can result in the UnsupportedClassVersionError.

Here’s an example code snippet that demonstrates the UnsupportedClassVersionError in action:

// (compiled with Java 11)
public class Sample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Hello, Java!");

If the above Sample.class file compiled with Java 11 is executed with Java 8, the following error would occur:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Sample has been compiled by a more recent version of the Java Runtime (class file version 55.0), this version of the Java Runtime only recognizes class file versions up to 52.0

This error message indicates that the class file was compiled with a higher Java version (55.0) than the one supported by the JVM (up to 52.0).

Understanding the causes and the relationship between Java versions and class versions is crucial for effectively resolving the java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError and ensuring compatibility between the compiled class and the executing JVM.

Common Scenarios and Solutions

Running a Java Class Compiled with a Higher Version

When encountering the java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError while running a Java class, it typically indicates that the class was compiled with a higher version of Java than the one being used for execution. This error commonly occurs when attempting to run a class compiled with a newer Java version on an older Java Runtime Environment (JRE). The error message may resemble the following:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: MyClass has been compiled by a more recent version of the Java Runtime (class file version X.X), this version of the Java Runtime only recognizes class file versions up to X.X


To resolve this issue, you need to identify the Java version of the compiled class and then choose an appropriate solution.

One way to determine the Java version of the compiled class is by using the javap command-line tool. Open your command prompt or terminal and navigate to the directory containing the class file. Then, run the following command:

javap -verbose MyClass

Replace MyClass with the name of your class. Look for the major version in the output, which indicates the Java version used for compilation.

If the class is compiled with a higher Java version than the JRE, you have a couple of solutions, first try to update your JRE to a version that is equal to or greater than the Java version used for compilation. Visit the official Java website to download and install the latest JRE.

If updating the JRE is not feasible or desirable, you can recompile the class with a compatible Java version. This involves modifying the source code and compiling it using a compatible JDK. Ensure that the JDK version matches the target JRE version to avoid compatibility issues.

Here’s an example of compiling a class with a specific target Java version using the -target flag:

javac -target X.X -source X.X

Replace X.X with the desired Java version (e.g., 1.8, 11, 17) that matches your target execution environment.

Executing a Java Application on an Older JRE

If you encounter the java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError while executing a Java application, it indicates that the JRE being used is older than the Java version in which the application was compiled. This situation can arise when trying to run an application compiled with a newer Java version on an older JRE. The error message may resemble the following:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: MyClass has been compiled by a more recent version of the Java Runtime (class file version X.X), this version of the Java Runtime only recognizes class file versions up to X.X

The error message suggests that the class was compiled with a higher Java version than the current JRE supports. This mismatch between the compiled class and the JRE version can prevent the application from running correctly.


To determine the JRE version you have installed, open a command prompt or terminal and execute the following command:

java -version

This command will display the installed JRE version. Ensure that the installed JRE version is compatible with the Java version in which the application was compiled.

If the JRE version is older than the compiled class version, you have a couple of options, visit the official Java website and download the latest version of the JRE compatible with the class file’s Java version. Install the updated JRE and ensure that the application runs using the newer version.

Alternatively, you can create an executable JAR file that includes the necessary JRE version. This ensures that the application runs with the required Java version regardless of the installed JRE. Tools like Apache Maven or Gradle can help you build an executable JAR file with embedded dependencies.

Using a Different JDK and JRE Version

The java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError can also occur when there is a mismatch between the Java Development Kit (JDK) used for compilation and the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) used for execution. This discrepancy can arise when different versions of the JDK and JRE are utilized.

The JDK is responsible for compiling Java source code into bytecode, whereas the JRE is responsible for executing the bytecode on the target system. If the compiled class is not compatible with the JRE version due to a mismatch between the JDK and JRE versions, the java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError can occur.


Ensure that the JDK and JRE versions are aligned by following these steps:

Open a command prompt or terminal and execute the following command:

javac -version

This command will display the version of the installed JDK, make note of this version. Then execute the following command:

java -version

This command will display the version of the installed JRE. Ensure that the JRE version matches or is compatible with the JDK version used for compilation.

If the JRE version is newer than the JDK version used for compilation, you should update the JDK to a compatible version. Visit the official Java website to download and install the latest JDK.

If the JDK version is newer than the JRE version, update the JRE to a version that matches or is compatible with the JDK version. Download the appropriate JRE from the official Java website and install it on your system.

Ensure that both the JDK and JRE versions are aligned to avoid the java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError when executing the compiled Java classes.

Best Practices and Tips

Maintaining Consistency between JDK, JRE, and Java Class Versions

When working with Java applications, it’s crucial to maintain consistency between the Java Development Kit (JDK), Java Runtime Environment (JRE), and the version of Java used to compile your classes. Inconsistencies can lead to the java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError and other compatibility issues. Here are some best practices to follow:

  1. JDK Version: Ensure that the JDK version you use for compilation matches or is compatible with the JRE version where you intend to execute the Java classes. To check your JDK version, open a command prompt or terminal and enter the following command:
    javac -version
  2. JRE Version: Verify that the JRE version you have installed matches the desired runtime environment. You can check the JRE version by running the following command:
    java -version
  3. Target Java Version: When compiling your Java classes, it’s important to specify the target Java version explicitly. This ensures compatibility with the JRE where the classes will be executed. To specify the target Java version during compilation, use the -target flag followed by the desired version number. For example:
    javac -target 1.8

    This command instructs the compiler to generate bytecode compatible with Java 8. By specifying the target version, you can ensure that the compiled classes are compatible with the desired JRE.

Importance of Version Management and Compatibility Checks

Version management and compatibility checks play a vital role in preventing the java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError and ensuring smooth execution of Java applications. Here’s why they are important:

  1. Cross-Version Compatibility: Different versions of Java may introduce new language features, APIs, or changes in bytecode. Ensuring compatibility between different versions avoids potential runtime errors.
  2. Deployment Environment: It’s essential to know the version of JRE available in the deployment environment. This knowledge enables you to compile classes using the corresponding JDK and set the appropriate target version.
  3. Compatibility Testing: Before deploying an application, perform thorough compatibility testing to ensure that it functions correctly across different Java versions and environments.

Automating Version Checks with Build Tools or IDE Features

To simplify version management and compatibility checks, consider leveraging build tools or IDE features that automate these processes. Here are some options:

  1. Build Tools: Popular build tools like Apache Maven, Gradle, or Ant provide mechanisms to specify the JDK and JRE versions, manage dependencies, and enforce compilation compatibility. These tools can automatically verify the target version and handle the required configurations.
  2. IDE Features: Integrated Development Environments such as Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, and NetBeans offer built-in features to manage Java versions and perform compatibility checks. These IDEs can highlight potential version conflicts, assist in setting the target Java version, and provide quick fixes to resolve compatibility issues.

In conclusion, maintaining consistency between JDK, JRE, and Java class versions is crucial for avoiding java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError and ensuring smooth execution of Java applications. By following best practices, conducting compatibility checks, and automating version management, developers can mitigate compatibility issues and deliver robust and compatible Java applications.


In this tutorial, we explored the java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError and learned how to resolve it effectively. We discovered that this error occurs due to compatibility issues between the Java version used for compilation and the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version used for execution.

Now armed with the knowledge and solutions provided in this tutorial, you are well-equipped to tackle the java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError and optimize your Java development experience. Don’t forget to explore the Troubleshooting Java Applications page, where you can find a wide range of tutorials that specifically tackle different Java errors. Keep coding and happy troubleshooting!