Few static analysis tricks to bulletproof your application

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Few static analysis tricks to bulletproof your application

Static analysis is the process of examining code without executing it to identify potential issues and improve its quality. By employing valuable static analysis techniques, you can enhance your application’s reliability. In this article, I discuss three practical techniques that can help you resolve issues in your codebase.

Badly named tests

Recently, while tracking down unused code in our client’s application, We came across a RSpec test that clearly could not pass. Indeed, when we executed the test individually using rspec and specifying its path, it failed as expected. However, when running the entire test suite with bundle exec rspec, all tests passed. Upon further investigation, it turned out that this test file didn’t follow RSpec’s test naming convention.

As stated in the RSpec documentation:

# Default: Run all spec files (i.e., those matching spec/**/*_spec.rb)
$ bundle exec rspec

We wanted to verify whether other test files might be bypassed by RSpec. The project was huge, so it was impossible to do it manually.

Using the following command, we managed to identify all problematic files:

find ./spec -type f -not -name \*_spec.rb -not -path "./spec/factories/*" -not -path "./spec/support/*" | xargs rg RSpec\.describe

We found numerous files with incorrect naming patterns, such as *.spec.rb, *_sepc.rb, and so on. After renaming these files, half of these tests turned out to be failing.

Not resolving constants

In one of my previous posts, I explained in-depth how we tracked down not resolving constants with a parser gem. These not resolving constants represent potential runtime errors that can be easily prevented with static analysis. I have shared our script on the public repository allowing you to copy collector.rb and effortlessly run it against your project.

bundle exec ruby collector.rb app/

Unnecessary routes

Another useful script for cleaning up your codebase checks if your routes.rb file define any routes which do not have a corresponding controller action nor a view for implicit rendering.

# unused_routes.rb
require_relative "config/environment"

Rails.application.routes.routes.map(&:requirements).each do |route|
  next if route.blank?
  next if route[:internal]

  controller_name = "#{route[:controller].camelcase}Controller"
  next if controller_name.constantize.new.respond_to?(route[:action])

  implicit_render_view = Rails.root.join("app", "views", *route[:controller].split('::'), "#{route[:action]}.*")
  next if Dir.glob(implicit_render_view).any?

  puts "#{controller_name}##{route[:action]}"
rescue NameError, LoadError
  puts "#{controller_name}##{route[:action]} - controller not found"

Simply copy the script and run it using ruby unused_routes.rb. You may be surprised by the results.

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