Red Green Repeat Adventures of a Spec Driven Junkie

Great Person and Valuable Comparisons

Yesterday, I wrote about the comparison monster.

One time where comparisons did not serve me well, every time one of my great friends evangelized another friend in conversation.

Hearing how good another friend is from my great friend just irked me.

For the longest time, I did not know why this irked me so much. The feeling was almost a reflex action.

Now I know, the comparison monster in me was acting in full gear. Comparing myself to others constantly, especially when my great friend evangelized another.

The thing that got me - I never considered that my great friend would be evangelizing about me to others, the people that irked me!

Looking back, I wished I tamed the comparison monster in me sooner. Who knows what would have happened??

If you have a friend that talks about how awesome other people are and it irks you - step back and think: there’s a good chance the friend is talking about your awesomeness to others and relax.

There’s probably something amazing brewing.