How to do Lambda-Proxy Integrations

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

Hello Readers!! We are again back with a new topic. In this blog, we will see how to do lambda-proxy integrations. Before this, we will see what is lambda-proxy integrations and why we need them. 

What are lambda-proxy integrations?

AWS Lambda-proxy integration is a type of integration for Amazon API Gateway that allows a single AWS Lambda function to handle multiple HTTP requests and routes. This type of integration allows you to write a single Lambda function that can handle multiple HTTP methods, such as GET, POST, and DELETE, and multiple routes, such as /items and /items/{id}. With Lambda-proxy integration, the entire request and response payloads are sent to and received from the Lambda function, giving you more flexibility in how you handle the requests and responses. So, here every request coming to the AWS API gateway URL will be forwarded to the lambda function. And the response is sent from the respected lambda function.

Why do lambda-proxy integrations?

Lambda-proxy integrations are useful for several reasons:

Simplicity: With Lambda-proxy integration, you only need to write one Lambda function to handle multiple routes and HTTP methods, which can simplify the development process and reduce the number of Lambda functions you need to maintain.

Flexibility: With Lambda-proxy integration, the entire request and response payloads are sent to and received from the Lambda function. This gives you more control over how you handle the requests and responses and allows you to perform more complex logic within your Lambda function.

Cost-effective: Because you are using a single Lambda function to handle multiple routes and HTTP methods, you can save on costs associated with running multiple Lambda functions.

Scalability: Lambda functions automatically scale based on the number of incoming requests, so you don’t have to worry about provisioning and managing servers to handle increased traffic.

Security: API Gateway can provide a number of built-in security features, such as authentication and access control, which can be easily configured and used with Lambda-proxy integration.

Steps to setup Lambda-Proxy Integrations:

Here I will show you the general steps to set up a Lambda-proxy integration in Amazon API Gateway:

Step 1: Create a new API in AWS API Gateway.

AWS api gateway

After filling details, click on Create API. 

Step 2: Create a simple lambda function for this integration. 


So, this lambda function can be different depending on your use cases. 

code source

Step 3: Now let’s move to the integration part. Initially, this API has no methods and resources defined.


Go to Action > Create method.


Add a new method (e.g. GET, POST, etc.).

Step 4: Integrate it with a lambda function. For this choose “Lambda Function” as the integration type and select the appropriate Lambda function to use. I am selecting the test as my lambda function.

lambda-proxy integration

Step 5: Add Permission to invoke the selected lambda function. So that every request coming to the AWS API gateway URL will be forwarded to the lambda function. And the response is sent from the respected lambda function.

add permission

In the “Integration Request” section, map the incoming request to the appropriate format for your Lambda function.

In the “Integration Response” section, map the outgoing response from your Lambda function to the appropriate format for the client. 

This is how the flow will go on whenever any request is received from the client.


Step 6: Deploy the API to a stage (e.g. test, prod) and test your integration.


Fill here the details and Click Deploy.


Step 7: So, Let’s test this. For this, I will send a request to this API. 

You can see the response I am getting from the lambda function.


You can also see the flow logs on the same page below the response headers.


And in the last method was completed with status 200.



Integration is successfully done now.


Please note that this is a high-level overview of the process and there may be additional steps or details that you need to consider, depending on your specific use case.

It’s important to note that this is a simple example and your use case can be more complex, you may need to add additional resources, methods, security settings, and testing before deployment.


Thank you for sticking to the end. Therefore in this blog, we have learned how to do lambda-proxy integrations. This is really very useful and simple. I hope this blog helped you somewhere. So, kindly reach out to me for any related queries.


Written by 

Naincy Kumari is a DevOps Consultant at Knoldus Inc. She is always ready to learn new technologies and tools. She loves painting and dancing.

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