You [Gerald Bauer¹] have been permanently banned [for life] from participating in r/ruby (because of your writing off / outside of r/ruby). I do not see your participation adding anything to this [ruby] community.

-- Richard Schneeman (r/ruby mod and fanatic illiberal ultra leftie on a cancel culture mission)

¹: I know. Who cares? Who is this Gerald Bauer anyway. A random nobody for sure. It just happens that I am the admin among other things of Planet Ruby.

Case Studies of Code of Conduct "Cancel Culture" Out-Of-Control Power Abuse - Ruby - A Call for Tolerance On Ruby-Talk Results In Ban On Reddit Ruby

Update (August, 2022) - A Call for More Tolerance And Call For No-Ban Policy Results In Ban On Ruby-Talk (With No Reason Given)

>  I just banned
>  -- SHIBATA Hiroshi
>>  -- Ryan Davis
>> My full support to moderators.
>> -- Xavier Noria
>> My full support to moderators.
>>  -- Carlo E. Prelz
>>  That's fun.
>>  -- Alice

Read the full story »

Ruby (January, 2023) - A Call for Good Governance @ Vienna.rb Results In Fuck You by Org / Owner (Aaron Cruz)

Thanks to Floor Drees the Vienna.rb meetups & governance was a model for excellence. Unfortunately Floor Drees moved back to the Netherlands years ago and the Amsterdam.rb meetups & governance today is - surprise, surprise - again a model for excellence.

What about Vienna.rb? Unfortunatley, Aaron Cruz the new org is a complete disaster treating the meetup as a personal marketing / sales channel / funnel drumming up freelance contracts / business for himself (or his buddies / inner-circle). That’s now going on for years.

I called Aaron Cruz and his fig leaf and side kick Ramón Huidobro out in a series of three tickets on the dead old vienna.rb website / github org. See

Aaron Cruz closed-up all tickets with a fuck you. The irony that Ramón Huidobro cherishes the non-negotiable code of conduct of the old Vienna.rb website / github org while declaring a code of (good) governance as unthinkable. Anyways, all I was asking for was really not much more than:

  1. A Good Governance Model - Yes, END the dictatorship and FUCK YOU declarations by Aaron Cruz etc.
  2. Let’s Update & Bring Back the Website (GitHub Org) - since nobody is left standing - let’s start over at and transfer the repos to save the heritage and close down the duplicate not in operation anyway.

Anyways, yet another big fail in community building / support in rubyland. To wrap-up on a positve note I updated the github org that I started years back as a back-up, see Vienna.rb / Wien.rb - Ruby Meetup / Stammtisch in Vienna, Austria and I invite you to join if interested an upcoming (drop-in) ruby meetup in 2023!

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