Resources to stay focused and positive

By on 13 January 2023

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Let’s be honest, there is a lot of uncertainty these days. As Pybites we want to help you progress, even more so when things are challenging.

So here are 5 tips / resources:

  1. Focus on what you can control, we recently spoke about this on our podcast.
  2. Set boundaries. It’s easy to watch too much negative news, it’s time to go on “an info diet” (Tim Ferriss). We spoke about this here. And here is a nice article from Hugh about the importance of disconnecting as a developer.
  3. Allow yourself to make mistakes, the most learning (and ultimately confidence) comes from making mistakes and learning from them.
    This Tom Bilyeu episode snippet was really helpful in this regard:  – you can also hear Tonya Sims talk about dropping the fear of failure on our podcast.
  4. Don’t obsess over goals, enjoy the process and (small) daily wins. We spoke about this here and here.
  5. Be resourceful. Put your work out there. Think outside the box for new ideas, then build and share. You become “so good they cannot ignore you” (as per our favorite career book).

One of the people in PDM shared his version of this. He takes the laptop everywhere he goes and when he sees an opportunity to solve problems with Python (and adjacent skills) he will jump in.

He’s already reaped the benefit on the job and elsewhere. Because he’s proactive and shows his increasing skill set, his manager and other stakeholders know just who to ask!

Titles can be overrated; show you can get the job done and people will come to you (what we call push vs pull).

Don’t give up. Although the news these days can be worrisome, there are still a lot of opportunities for you to contribute and build your skills. Just keep chasing them and when you find them, take action! 

Focus on what you can control!

If you feel stuck in your journey, maybe you can apply the “Hedgehog Concept” to Learning Python, if you want us to assess your skills and give you some guidance use the Assessment button below …

Remember, the best developers not only know how to code well, but they also have an infectious passion for sharing what they learn and helping others.

Honest question: are you putting your work out there? If not, and you want that to change, we’ll happily keep you accountable, just join our community and hit us up there.

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