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While Java is one of the world's most widely used programming languages and is pretty much the official language of Android development, it's not necessarily the best option for your Android projects.

Kotlin streamlines Java coding and fixes the superfluous features that get in the way. Kotlin classes are significantly more compact, less verbose, and easier to read than their Java counterparts.

This resource brings together free courses and tutorials to help you learn Kotlin.

What Is Kotlin?

Kotlin is a modern programming language that compiles to Java bytecode. It is free and open source, and it promises to make coding for Android even more fun.

Kotlin is 100% interoperable with Java. In other words, it can be used together with Java in the same project. This means you can refactor parts of your Java code to Kotlin, and it won't break.

In addition, Kotlin syntax is concise, expressive, simpler, and cleaner. Its precise code allows you to spend more time on solving the actual problem, rather than struggling with verbose syntax.

Kotlin ImageKotlin ImageKotlin Image

Why Kotlin?

There are a few factors that make Kotlin a great choice for Android development:

Interchangeability With Java

You can even have Java and Kotlin code existing side by side in the same project, and everything will still compile perfectly. 

Easy Learning Curve

Kotlin aims to be an enhancement to Java, rather than a complete rewrite, so many of the skills you've acquired and honed throughout your Java career should still be applicable to your Kotlin projects.

Combine the Best of Functional and Procedural Programming

Why choose between functional and procedural? Kotlin brings you the best of both worlds by combining concepts from both procedural and functional programming.

First-Class Android Studio Support

Android Studio makes configuring Kotlin in your project as straightforward as opening a few menus. 

More Concise Code

If you compare a Java class and a Kotlin class that produce the same results, the one written in Kotlin will typically be much shorter. And as every developer knows, less code means fewer bugs!

Safer Code

According to the official Android website, Kotlin helps you avoid null exceptions, thus making Android apps that use Kotlin 20% less likely to crash.

Kotlin From Scratch

In the Kotlin From Scratch series, you'll learn about the language fundamentals: everything from variables to lambda functions and object orientation.

To follow along, you'll need the Kotlin plugin for Android Studio. Alternatively, you could use the online playground or IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition.

One great tip to really grasp a new programming concept you're learning is: don't just read the tutorial, but also type the actual code and run it!

1. Variables, Basic Types, and Arrays

In this first tutorial in the Kotlin From Scratch series, you'll learn about the language basics: comments, variables, simple types, arrays, and type inference.

2. Nullability, Loops, and Conditions

In this tutorial, we'll continue to learn the language by looking at nullability, loops, and conditions in Kotlin. You'll learn about loops, ranges, conditions, collections, and packages in Kotlin.

3. Ranges and Collections

Here you'll learn about the ranges and collections API in Kotlin. 

4. Packages and Basic Functions

In part 4, you'll discover how to organize code using packages, and then go on to an introduction to functions in Kotlin.

5. More Fun With Functions

Functions are at the heart of Kotlin, so in this tutorial we'll look more closely at them. You'll be amazed at all the cool things you can do with functions in Kotlin!

6. Advanced Functions

Kotlin is a functional language, and that means functions are front and center. The language is packed with features to make coding functions easy and expressive. In this post, you'll learn about extension functions, higher-order functions, closures, and inline functions in Kotlin.

7. Classes and Objects

In this post, you'll get an introduction to object-oriented programming in Kotlin by learning about classes: constructors and properties, casting, and more advanced class features that Kotlin makes easy.

8. Advanced Properties and Classes

In this tutorial, you'll continue to learn even more cool features that Kotlin has for object-oriented programming. You'll learn more about properties and also look into advanced types of classes in Kotlin, late-initialized properties, inline properties, extension properties, data, enum, nested, and sealed classes.

9. Abstract Classes, Interfaces, Inheritance, and Type Alias

In this post, you'll continue to learn about object-oriented programming in Kotlin by learning about abstract classes, interfaces, and inheritance. For a bonus, you'll also learn about type aliases. 

10. Exception Handling

In this post, you'll continue to learn about programming in Kotlin by learning about exceptions and how to handle them. 

To save time and money when developing Android apps, it is always recommended to use an Android app template. CodeCanyon has a great selection of Kotlin Android templates. Here's a selection of six of the most popular ones:

Find more wonderful Kotlin Android Apps on Envato Elements.

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