This Month with Nim: September 2022


Author: Juan Carlos

New APIs for the browser implemented recently

Nodejs is your toolbox with 70+ modules for JavaScript, Node, browser and more!


Author: Pouriya Jamshidi

qwatcher is designed to help monitor TCP connections and diagnose buffer and connectivity issues on Linux machines related to input and output queues.


Author: Christopher Taylor

nim-sos provides users the ability to program parallel applications. In the Single-Program-Many-Data (SPMD) style for supercomputers using the Nim programming language.


  • wraps the existing Sandia OpenSHMEM library implemented by Sandia National Laboratory.
  • implements distributed symmetric array and distributed symmetric scalar support using the underlying OpenSHMEM wrapper.
  • provides the Nim programming language distributed symmetric shared memory and Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS) support.


Author: metagn

assigns is a library for unpacking assignment and basic pattern matching. Its advantage over other libraries with the same goal is that it has a simple, lightweight implementation that allows for overloading matching syntaxes based on the type of the matched value.

import assigns

# unpacking assignment:
type Person = tuple[name: string, age: int]
(age: a, name: n) := ("John Smith", 30).Person
assert (a, n) == (30, "John Smith")

# pattern matching:
proc fizzbuzz(n: int): string =
  match (n mod 3, n mod 5):
  of (0, 0): "FizzBuzz"
  of (0, _): "Fizz"
  of (_, 0): "Buzz"
  else: $n

for i in 1..100:
  echo fizzbuzz(i)

# custom implementation:
import assigns/impl, std/macros

type LinkedList[T] {.acyclic.} = ref object
  leaf: T
  next: LinkedList[T]

implementAssign LinkedList: # sugar for defining the overloading macro
  # skip bracket:
  let newLhs = if lhs.kind == nnkBracket and lhs.len == 1: lhs[0] else: lhs
  # check for | operator:
  if newLhs.kind == nnkInfix and newLhs[0].eqIdent"|":
    # overloadably assign both parts
      open(newLhs[1], newDotExpr(rhs, ident"leaf")),
      open(newLhs[2], newDotExpr(rhs, ident"next")))
    # use default assignment syntax if expression is not understood

let list = LinkedList[int](leaf: 1, next:
  LinkedList[int](leaf: 2, next:
    LinkedList[int](leaf: 3, next: nil)))

x | [(< 5) | [y | _]] := list
assert (x, y) == (1, 3)

Can be installed with nimble install assigns. More information in docs.

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